While "on holiday" in Paris in July 2000, I was strolling along the street on the way to the rail station with my niece and nephew and their mom, enjoying the beautiful summer scenery... when out of the corner of my eye, behind a big window, I spotted antennas, microphones, posters with Icom, Kenwood and Yaesu logos.  It was the local RADIO STORE!  Well, I managed to keep on walking (the kids just couldn't wait to board the train to Disneyland) but temptation finally won out... so I came back a few days later and took a look around the local "magasin de jouets"...

RCS Paris Here's the storefront of Radio Communications Systèmes at  4 boulevard Diderot in the 12th Arrondissement of Paris.  It's conveniently located about a block from Gare de Lyon, the second-busiest train station in Paris.  (From there, you can catch a ride on the original high-speed TGV - Train à Grande Vitesse - line to Lyon, Avignon and other points in eastern and southern France, or hop on the Réseau Express Régional [RER]  commuter train to the eastern suburbs.)


Les Jouets !!!
Inside the main showroom, new and used transceivers are on display...  mostly the same stuff sold in the US... except that the VHF/UHF models are programmed to cover the European amateur bands, and therefore, carry an "E" suffix.  Diamond antennas are stocked in the right corner, and the glass cases contain  special accessories.

The French Parrot Of course, I wanted to see something exotic that wasn't available in America.  There were a few such items and naturally, most were made in Europe.   Here's an automatic voice recorder called a Perroquet -- French for parrot -- the kind of gadget you would use during a contest.  The knob on the left controls REPETITION, while the one on the right selects MEMOIRES, and the switch in the center toggles between LECTURE and ENREGISTREMENT modes, but the red buttons are simply labeled START and STOP.

Le gerant d'RCS The store manager, Christian, shows me a noise-cancelling headset/mic, which he explained is a best-seller among the local hang-gliders who operate aero-mobile.  In addition to the amateur gear, the store also sells commercial land-mobile gear, shortwave radios and related products.

Euro APRS HT Here's the popular Kenwood "Data HT" in the sophisticated European version.  I asked Christian if there was much APRS activity in the city, and he seemed to believe that it hadn't quite caught on yet.  In fact, during my stay in Paris, I heard very little action on ANY mode on the 2 meter or 70 cm bands.  Christian explained that amateur radio is more popular in the rural areas, where the noise level is lower and it's easier to put up antennas. However, I learned France has only 17,000 licensed amateurs, fewer than I expected for a country of its size.

FCC contraband? This is a Taiwanese-made 50 watt power amplifier designed specifically for use with 2 meter HTs.  I don't recall ever seeing this model advertised in the US... perhaps it lacks FCC type-acceptance?

Quelques joues de plusAnother view of the RCS showroom with several used radios on display.  The store also offers a wide selection of metal detectors, a few of which you see in the upper left corner.

RCS' cool logo
Well, now for the million-franc question:  did I manage to get out the door without buying something?  The prices were plus cher (largely due to the European Value-Added-Tax of 20%), so I didn't find any bargains.  However, I thought it would be nice to take something inexpensive...  unusual...  (and -- since I would be lugging it in my bag -- small and lightweight)  back home as a souvenir of Paris.  I finally decided on a nifty telescoping folding two-element log-periodic beam, made by ECO Antenne in Serravalle, Italy, which set me back -- oh, let's say -- less than the cost of dinner at an average Parisian bistro.  It's perfect for traveling, and has proven valuable when working 2m packet from hotel rooms.


REF - Union Francaise Des Radioamateurs "the French ARRL"
France APRS
JavAPRS Map of Europe (en temps réel)
Club APRS -France
AMSAT France
MEGAHERTZ Magazine - Ham Radio Page
AIR -- Association Internationale des Radioamateurs
Real Audio files of French Radioamateur Activity (check out "Les Aberrations")

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