K1TR VHF Contesting - September 2009

Sept 12-13 2009 ARRL VHF QSO Party
2006' Wachusett Mountain, Princeton, MA FN42BL

Murphy was omnipresent this weekend notably inhabiting the controller for my remote 903-3456 transverter box.  Apparently the rain Friday and Saturday, once again, got into the controller cable connection, rendering the box useless.  I need to get serious about addressing this problem. Otherwise band conditions were flat at best.

  Low Power Single Operator Category - Submitted Score: 117k

Band Power (PEP) Antenna QSOs/Multiplier (grid squares)
50 200W 4 elements (redesigned Hygain) 205/28
144 200W 12 elements (FO-12) 246/36
222 65W 16 elements (FO-16) 72/23
432 100W 19 elements (RIW) 116/27
903 10W 33 element LY 1/1
1296 10W 45 element LY -/-
2304 10W 52 element LY -/-
3456 4W 52 element LY -/-
5760 2W 2' dish, dualband feed 10/6
10368 1W 2' dish, dualband feed 12/5


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Operating position at summit. looking southwest. The Shack Lots of bird watchers on Sunday The view looking east, toward Boston