K1TR VHF Contesting - September 2004

Sept 2004 ARRL VHF QSO Party
6288' Mount Washington, NH, FN44IG

Weekend started off nicely with sunny skies in the low 50's with light winds.  A cold front crossed the area Sunday night in to Monday morning that brought with it windswept rain moving in excess of 50 MPH.  During take-down, the wind pushed the antenna stack on top of the minivan, which was not the intended method.  Scratched up the roof of the vehicle and damaged the 6m and 2m antennas, but otherwise a good take-down under the circumstances.

Its a blast operating from this exotic and exciting location - but  beware of Mother Nature!

  Low Power Single Operator Category - Final Score: 335.6k

Band Power (PEP) Antenna QSOs/Multiplier (grid squares)
50 150W 4 elements (Hygain) 207/41
144 150W 12 elements (FO-12) 210/43
222 65W 16 elements (FO-16) 97/31
432 100W 19 elements (RIW) 137/40
903 10W 33 element LY 39/17
1296 10W 45 element LY 50/19
2304 10W 52 element LY 25/16
3456 4W 52 element LY 19/14
5760 2W 2' dish, dualband feed 13/10
10368 0.2W 2' dish, dualband feed 9/6


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Operating station, looking south View to the southwest The shack Close-up of antennas, looking north 


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Generator power connection Monday morning take down  (crash) in the 45 MPH wind at 34F Weather during take-down Packed up to go home.