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UCS20 USB Computer Spectrometer

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    UCS20 Universal Computer Spectrometer

    Note: The UCS20 has been replaced by our NEW UCS30. Click here to go to the NEW UCS30 page.

    Featuring a maximum of 2048 channels, this fully integrated Plug and Play Multichannel Analyzer connects to the USB port on a PC or Macintosh eliminating the need to install a card inside the computer. The instrument includes an internal preamplifier, computer controlled amplifier, 0-2500V HV supply, LL and UL discriminators, PHA, MCS and Mossbauer modes and full operating software.

     Designed for flexibility to cover a wide range of applications, the UCS20 will support NaI(Tl) detectors, CdZnTe and proportional counters for gamma and X-ray spectroscopy. Preamplifier power output (±12V) for devices requiring external preamplifiers and direct inputs to the internal amplifier and ADC are included with external gating capability for coincidence measurements.

    In addition to the Pulse Height Analysis mode, the UCS20 also includes Multichannel Scaling for time related studies. Dwell times as low as 100msec. combined with a MSB output and multi-pass capability provide interfacing to many Mossbauer systems.

    The software supplied is compatible with Window 98, ME, 2000 and XP and Macintosh System 8.6 through 9 supporting USB. All setup controls including amplifier gain, HV, LLD, ULD, Conversion Gain, Preset Time, Preset Count and Mode are accessible from the software. Data is stored in binary format or as TSV, CSV format for direct transfer to spreadsheets. A data buffer is included for storing a background spectrum that may be fractionally subtracted from the acquired data if required.

    To assist in initial setup, an Auto Calibrate feature is included to provide a linear calibration using Cs-137 of 1 keV/channel at 1024 channel conversion gain. Alternate setups for specific measurements may be save as Setup files for quick reconfiguration of the system. All current operating parameters are saved so the application program may be exited and reentered without disturbing acquisition or loss of data. Once operational, the UCS-20 will run autonomous of the computer as all data and control parameters are stored in the instrument providing power is maintained.

    To aid in the identification of nuclides, the UCS-20 contains a unique peak labeling feature named ISOMATCH. Providing the unit is accurately energy calibrated, the user may select a nuclide from the library and the corresponding characteristic emission lines are superimposed on the spectrum along with isotope and energy information. Using this feature, users may quickly check a spectrum and visually identify the emission components for each nuclide present. The ISOMATCH libraries may be created or customized using a text editor.

    Rear Panel



    • Physical: Fully shielded bench top metal enclosure, 9x13x2.5 in.
    • Preamp In: BNC connector for direct connection to PMT anode signal. Utilizes on-board amplifier/preamplifier.
    • Amp In: BNC connector bypasses internal preamplifier for use with external preamplifier. Accepts positive polarity signals.
    • Direct In: BNC connector bypasses internal amplifier and connects directly to ADC input. Accepts unipolar or bipolar signals 0-8volt range.
    • Gate In: BNC connector. Normally open gate. TTL low closes gate.
    • Ext MCS In: BNC connector bypasses internal amplifier. Accepts positive TTL signals >150nsec., 5MHz maximum rate.
    • HV Output: MHV (or optional SHV) connector supplies positive 0-2500volt @ 1mA maximum current to power scintillation detector High voltage is fully regulated and computer controlled in 5volt increments.
    • Preamp Power: DB-9 connector, ±12V.
    • MSB Out: TTL output of dwell MSB for synchronizing Mossbauer drive.
    • ROI Out: TTL pulse each time event occurs in set region of interest.
    • USB: Standard USB 2.0, type  “A” connector.
    • Amplifier: On-board combination preamp./amplifier for use with scintillation detectors and PMT's. Computer controlled coarse and fine gain from x2 to x1000.
    • ADC: Wilkinson type with 80MHz clock and computer selected conversion gain of 2048, 1024, 512, or 256 channels. Direct input accepts pulse peaking times of 1sec. to 10sec. Includes deadtime correction when used in Live-Time mode.
    • LLD & ULD: Independently computer controlled in 4-channel increments over entire input range. Operates prior to ADC for reduced system dead time.
    • Modes: MCA for pulse height analysis, or MCS for half-life decay or other time related studies.
    • Timers: Real-Time or Live-Time operation selectable from 1sec. increments for PHA and 100msec. to 60sec. per channel in MCS mode.
    • Data Memory: On-board dynamic RAM, 1 x 2048 channel x 3 Bytes for data, plus region-of-interest flag.
    • Deadtime: System dead-time is computed and displayed on screen during acquisition.
    •  Power: AC line, 100-250VAC, 50/60Hz, auto-sensing internal power supply with Universal Power Cord input.
    • Status Indicators: High voltage, Acquire, Activity.



    • System: Operates under Window 98 and higher or Macintosh System 8.6 and higher.
    • Display: Color or monochrome monitor, Vertical scale adjust from 32 to 16M and LOG display. Horizontal 2048 channels with expansion down to 128 channels.
    • Time Mode: Preset live-time or preset real-time selection. Both times are recorded and displayed.
    • Count Mode: Preset count mode integral of  region-of-Interest.
    • ROIs: Multiple Regions-of Interest using color coding.
    • Integral: When cursor is in ROI, computes gross area, net area with end point averaging, centroid and FWHM.
    • Energy Cal: 2-point linear or 3-point quadratic converts cursor position reading directly to energy units. (Time units in MCS mode.)
    • Autocalibrate: Use with Cs-137 source to automatically calibrate system from 0-1023keV.
    • Bkgd Buffer: Used to store background spectrum for time normalized background subtraction.
    • Subtract: Subtracts channel-by-channel time normalized data stored in Background Buffer from display data.
    • Smooth: 3-point smoothing of displayed data. Does not modify data in acquisition memory.
    • Control: Software control of High Voltage, Amplifier Gain, Lower and Upper level discriminators, and ADC Conversion Gain.
    • File: Save or load data file and header information in binary format or as CSV/TSV files. Save or load setup files for specific configurations.
    • Clipboard: Clips data and header information, graphic screens, ROI data containing, centroid, FWHM, gross and net integrals, and header information in spreadsheet compatible format for transferring into other applications.
    • ISOMATCH: Isotope library text file with peak markers and labeling for overlaying on spectrum. Provides quick isotope identification. Libraries may be edited and extended using word processor or text editor programs.

    Ordering Information.

    • UCS 20 Universal Computer Spectrometer for PC and  Macintosh.


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