Q SIGNALS QRG My frequency is ___ QRK Your signal readability is ___ (1 - 5) QRL The frequency is busy QRM Your transmission is being interfered with QRN Static on the frequency QRO Increase transmission power QRP Decrease transmission power QRQ Send faster QRS Send slower QRT I am quitting the contact QRU I have nothing more for you QRV I am ready QRX Please stand by QRZ You are being called by ___ QSB Your signals are fading QSK I can hear you between signals, break in QSL I acknowledge receipt QSN I heard you on ___ QSO I can communicate with ___, contact QSP I will relay to ___ QST Addressing all amateurs.. QSX I am listening to ___ QSY I am going to change frequency to ___ QTB I do not agree with your word count, I will repeat.. QTC I have traffic (messages) to send QTH My location is ___ QTR The time is ___