We have updated to a new RocketChat server. The good news is this runs the latest version, which adds several useful new features, improvements, and overall stability. As weekends tend to be the most active period for the chat, this week may be the best time to transition over to the new chat server. Several of us have been testing it for a week or so, and it seems to be operating correctly. The new chat runs at a slightly different URL, namely chat.hfunderground.com vs www.hfunderground.com This is the URL to the chat: http://chat.hfunderground.com:3000/channel/general You may also use http://chat.hfunderground.com:8080/channel/general if your ISP/work/etc blocks port 3000. The SSL version (which the iOS/android apps require) is https://chat.hfunderground.com:8443/channel/general Note that if you previously used the old chat URL of www.hfunderground.com vs chat.hfunderground.com you will need to create a new account on the new chat! This should take about 1 minute of your time. You can use the same account name as before, if you wish. emphasis on *you will need to create a new account on the new chat!