JH4RHF @ JN4MMO 2015 (last update 2015/07/06)

I went back to Japan in March/April 2015.  Andy, JN4MMO kindly let me operate his station at WPX SSB contest.
As you may know, I need another "station license " at his QTH, which need a bunch of paperwork (and a fee..).

Thanks Andy for the activation of my ORIGINAL call, which was not active for almost 20yrs.


Overview of the operation desk @ JN4MMO. Note that all of my operation was done with FT DX5000 (right) connected to VL1000.
FT1000s (mid an left) are set up for 160m and 6m.


Tower 1 @JN4MMO.

Tower 2 @JN4MMO

I rent this small car to drive from Okayama to the shack. It is OK enough.