
Field Day 2011

Juneau Amateur Radio Club, Inc.

Field Day this year will be held on 25-26 June at the Hagevig Fire Training Center on Sherwood Lane (just past the Troopers and DMV).  The ARRL 2011 Field Day packet is available at  www.arrl.org/field-day, scroll down the page until you see "Rules, entry forms, and entry packet" Click on that.

The annual picnic will be on Saturday afternoon. This will be a fun event and we hope to see all of you there.  Be sure to bring family and friends as guest are always welcome.

We plan on drafting some of the new licensees to help with the contacts and logging in information, with possibly a second station for first timers.

There will be an opportunity to take licensing exams for any level on Saturday, June 25th during the Field Day.  Remember the exam fees are $10.00 per test.  Let Jerry Prindle (KL7HFI) know if you plan to take an exam.

Copyright, 2001,2002, 2003 Juneau Amateur Radio Club, Inc. All Rights Reserved.