Profile of ja7uhv

Name Yamase Shigeo
- Yamase is our family name.
Gender Male
Location Ishinomaki, Japan
- Ishinomaki is a fishing port and its coastline faces the Pacific Ocean.
It is situated around 400 kilo meters north-east of Tokyo.

-->Ishinomaki: The town that the tsunami put on the map.
YouTube2-->Great Tsunami View from the roof of Isinomaki City-Gas Company's two story building.  It is located in Fisherman's Wharf, as it were, of Ishinomaki, and 500 meters off the coastline.
YouTube3-->New Tsunami Evacuation Tower and the Fish Market in Ishinomaki
In four months after the catastrophic natural disaster, I moved to an emergency housing development for the 3.11th Tsunami refugees, while my wrecked home remained left. It was at the end of July, 2011. I have lived there for four and half years.
On Febrary 2016, I moved out of the temporary housing.
Callsign ja7uhv
The 10-watt mobile radio station licence is alive.
The 100-watt fixed station licence has been expired for more than twenty years.
Expiration Date of the Radio Station Licence July 5, 2027 令和9年 Reiwa 9 (Reiwa is the current era of Japan.)

In Japan, a licensed person must submit a timely application for renewal of the unexpired radio station licence between one and six months prior to the end of the licence term every five years.
Recent Interest in Radio Field of mine 1. Homemade Equipment Construction

 A. Direct Conversion Receivers (DCR)
 B. Regenerative Receivers (RR)
   Super-Regenerative Receivers (SRR)
 C. Simple X'tal Controlled CW TX
 D. Wideband Phase Shift Networks Design

2. CW (Radio Telegraphy Operation)
Application for the renewal licence in 2016 The date of expiration of the 10-watt radio station licence is coming in a year again.

Licensees can submit applications using an online licencing system called 総務省電波利用 電子申請・届け出システム Lite, or paper applications.

I chose the online licensing system this time.
It was on July 14th, 2016.

The renewed licence dated July 21st was officialy issued by a local govermental office in Sendai.
It arrived home by postal mail on July 25th.

In fact, the renewal licence has not been valid yet.
It will become effective just after expiration of the present radio station licence. So it will be valid from July 6th next year.
Application for the renewal licence in 2006 The date of expiration of the 10-watt radio station licence is coming in a year. I sent a local administration office in Sendai two sheets of application form for the renewal licence by postal mail. It was on August 28, 2006.

The renewed licence arrived home on September 11, 2006.

It cost me 3735 yen (USD 34) in all.
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