The ARRL Headquaters Gang

There are many persons who love amateur radio in the secretariat of ARRL.
K1ZZ is CEO of ARRL, he must be very busy. He seems to love CW very much.
We can hear his keying from various places, such as 4U1ITU when he attend
to WRC international conference.
The staff of ARRL who visits Japan to the DXCC card checking at JARL
Ham Fair who is the person who loves DXing as well.
Their QSL card is making basic design with the same one from 50's.

Sumner's card, I worked with hin on 40m CW . Sumner operated 4U1ITU when he attend the
conference in Geneva.
Patton came to JARL Ham Fair twice, he loves to
participate contest very much. He is now NN1N.
Wayne came to 2003 JARL Ham Fair, he participate
many famous DXpeditions.
Rod was an editor of How's DX column in QST from
1947 for many years. I dreamed I could work with
DX stations in the page of How's DX.
I worked him in 1957 and received this typical QSL
of ARRL headquaters gang, first time.
I worked him in 1958 for my second ARRL Gang.

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