ITU Standard Phonetics

Letter - Word - Say Letter - Word - Say Letter - Word - Say
A - Alpha - (AL FAH) N - November - (NO VEM BERR) 0 - Zero - ZEE-ROH
B - Bravo - (BRAH VOH) O - Oscar - (OSS KAR)1 - One - WUN
C - Charlie - (CHAR LEE) P - Papa - (PAH PAH) 2 - Two - TOO
D - Delta - (DELL TAH) Q - Quebec - (KEY BECK)3 - Three - TREE
E - Echo - (ECH OH) R - Romeo - (ROW ME OH)4 - Four - FOWER
F - Foxtrot - (FOX TROT) S - Sierra - (SEE AIR AH)5 - Five - FIFE
G - Golf - (GOLF) T - Tango - (TANG OH)6 - Six - SIX
H - Hotel - (HOH TELL) U - Uniform - (YOU NEE FORM)7 - Seven - SEVEN
I - India - (IN DEE AH) V - Victor - (VIK TORE) 8 - Eight - AIT
J - Juliet - (JEW LEE ETT) W - Wiskey - (WISS KEY)9 - Nine - NINER
K - KILO - (KEY LOH) X - X-ray - (EX RAY)Decimal point - Decimal - DAY-SEE-MAL
L - Lima - (LEE MA) Y - Yankee - (YANG KEE)Full stop - Stop -STOP
M - Mike - (MIKE) Z - Zulu - (ZOO LOU)


HXA -- (followed by a number): Collect landline delivery authorize by addressee within ____ miles. (If no number, authorization is unlimited).

HXB -- (followed by a number): Cancel message if not delivered within ____ hours of filing time; service originating station.

HXC -- Report date and time of delivery (TOD) to originating station.

HXD -- Report to originating station the identity of station from which received, plus date, time and method of delivery.

HXE -- Delivering station get reply from addressee, originate message back.

HXF -- (followed by a number): Hold delivery until _____ (date).

HXG -- Delivery by mail or landline toll call not required. If toll or other expense involved, cancel message and service originating station. Seldom needed. Should never be used on a service message.