interfaccia CI-V per IC-R10 Icom
CI-V interface for Icom IC-R10

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   CI-V interface by G3VGR


Icom appears to delight in charging outrageous prices for all transceiver accessories, so many Hams improvise instead. A few circuits have been published for CI-V interfaces, most of which use the MAX232 IC.  Here is a very simple CI-V interface, originally described by OK2WY  I've made small changes to the modem control signals connections. Although the circuit doesn't conform exactly to the RS-232 specification, it does work well and has the advantage of being easily constructed inside a 9 pin D-type shell. Please note that the resistor value 4K7 means 4700 ohms.  The transistor types are not critical, I just happen to have plenty of 2N2222As.  I've used it on various PC's and a Dell Latitude Notebook with both an IC735 and IC706MkIIG. No problems have been experienced even at 19200 baud with the IC706, so I would definitely recommend this simple interface.  If a PTT function is required from the COM port, use pin 7 (RTS) to provide this function.


   remark by I1KFH

This interface is very good. I used them with many computers and I didn’t have problem! I use this interface only with IC-R10 Icom scanner.

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