I1JTQ - Aurora Propagation Page


Turin City is situated at 45° Lat. North and 7° Long. East, surrounded by Alps (in North direction We have 4500 mt. mountains high, 80km far), then is almost impossible have usual VHF propagation via Polar Auroras. Anyway, since 1979 I've worked 15 different Aurora's opening from here, the last one in November 2003.

A good opening was in 1991, In that case Aurora was also visible from here; below You can see a photograph taken from JN35st (Aosta Valley) at 1900 m.a.s.l, the 9th of November 1991 at 01.10 UTC (I was in QSO with PA3BZO, antenna QTF 355 deg.).

Picture by Roberto Parisio


My Aurora's opening list, worked from Turin city 

yyyy   mm    dd        start       end      QTF         Country  WKD                      n° QSO

1991    Jun    05        16,52    18,10     20deg        PA  G  DL ON                        10
1991    Jul     13        15,40    17,35     25deg        G  PA  DL  ON                       13
1991    Nov  08/09   22,10    02,00    355deg       PA  DL  GW  G                      16  
1992    Jan    26        20,11    20,30     10deg        G                                                3  
1992    May  10        13,45    17,44     25deg        PA  G  DL  ON                       20
1998    Aug  27        15,35    16,30     20deg        G  DL                                         8
2000    Apr   06/07   23,30    00,50     10deg        PA  G  DL                               10
2000    Jul     15        21,45    23,30     20deg        G  DL  PA                               13
2001    Mar   31        16,09    16,52     30deg        DL  PA  G   ON                      14
2001    Apr   11        17,10     21,40    25deg        DL  PA                                      3 
2001    May  23        16,55    17,10     20deg        DL PA                                      4
2002    Oct    29        06,55    22,50     25deg        G  PA  DL                               13
2003    Oct    30/31   21,20    01,30     30deg        PA  GW  G  DL  ON              31
2003    Nov   20        18,45   18,51      15deg        PA  DL                                     2



Audio WAVE files: PA4VHF & DG5YIL 



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