Történet, History of Egyipt in Hungarian language.

Bibliográfia, Bibliographia.

Egyiptom ismertetés, Introduction of Egyipt in Hungarian.

Ehnaton, Introduction of the pharaoh Ahnaton in Hungarian.

Hieroglif ABC oktató program.A basic level hierogliph educational program (750 kB long to download) in English.

Látnivalók, What to see in Egyipt, Hungarian language.

Látnivalók2, What to see in Egyipt, 2th page, Hungarian.

Méretek, Measures of Pyramids.

Egyiptom INFO, Country info of Egyipt.

Időskála kőbe fagyva, Time scale frozen in stone in Pyramids.

Általában az ősi Egyiptomról, Generally from ancient Egyipt.

Anomáliák, Anomalies around Gizeh, Egyipt.

Piramisok , About Pyramids, Hungarian.

Arc és Piramis formák a Marson, Pyramid and Face forms in Mars, Hungarian.

Találós kérdés, Hungarian language joke about Pyramids.

Piramisok titka 2. rész To the 2th part of Pyramids home page.

The Kabbalah is the hidden knowledge of Jewish.

Egypt from Space [photos & text; MT Rigby] - (AU)

History of Egypt - Ministry of Tourism, Egypt

Chronology of Egyptian Civilization - NorthWestern Univ. (US)

The Ancient Egypt Site [J Kinnaer]

Sirius and Early Egyptians

The Rosetta Stone story [Strachan & Roetzel] - Minnesota State Univ. at Mankato

Görög mitologia., Greek mithology.

About the Rosetta Stone - British Museum, and J F Champollion

Centre for Computer-aided Egyptological Research - (NL)

Egyptology.Com [G Reeder]

Herodotus' Book II [transl. G Rawlinson] - The Tech, MIT (US)

Egypt: Daily Life - Splendors of Ancient Egypt

A note about Metallurgy in Ancient Egypt [tomb of Rekhmara, Thebe, about 1500 BC]

About the Osiris Cult - Ministry of Tourism, Egypt

General Museum Links - Minnesota State Univ. at Mankato

Egyptian Herbal Medicine - PlanetHerbs

A Picture of Anubis - CNR-CEFSA (IT)

Summaries of Notable Egyptian Gods, and Egyptian Mythology (FAQs) [compiled by SC Knight]

About Thoth, the God of Science & Writing, and some More on Thoth

The Faces of Djed [L-A Jack] - Royal Ontario Museum (CA)

Computerised plan of Giza plateau. Oriental Institute, University of Chicago-

Digital Mummies [P. de Nijs] - (NL)

About Egyptian Mummies - Encyclopedia Smithsonian (US)

The Egyptian Book of the Dead [transl: EA Wallis Budge], via Lysator (SE)

Howard Carter's personal diaries, Part I & Part II

Evidence of Poliomyelitis in Ancient Egypt [in Spanish] - Museo Virtual de la Sanidad (ES)

Exploring the Pyramids at Giza - PBS Online (US), and a Satellite Overview - NASA (US)

About Death in Ancient Egypt [AA O'Brien] and Mummies Highlights from the Oriental Inst. Virtual Museum, Chicago (US)

Death and The AfterLife [MP Telford, 8 yrs old]

Egyptian Funerary Archaeology - British Museum

Die Virtuelle Mumie [in German] - Hamburg (DE)

Did Akhenaten suffer from Marfan's Syndrome? - Discovery Channel (CA)

Science Heritage Center - U of Cairo (EG)

On Medicine in Old Egypt [Hamed A Ead]

Medicine in Ancient Egypt - The Asclepion/U. of Indiana (US)

Medicine in Ancient Egypt Daily Life - Minnesota State Univ. at Mankato

For Every Malady Cure - (EG)

AIDS: Déjŕ Vu in Ancient Egypt? [RJ Albin]

L'ophtalmologie dans l'Égypte ancienne et Les ocularistes de la statuaire égyptienne - SNOF (FR)

The Myths of Horus - Horus Publ.

Brief note about the Eye of Horus

Notes on Ancient Egyptian Medicine - Bores Eye Institute (US)

About the Step Pyramid (of Djoser)

A Statuette (plaster replica) of Imhotep sitting - Caltech, and about The Third Dynasty - TourEgypt

About Peseshet - First Woman Doctor in World History [T Obenga] - Era of Masses, Feb '97

The African Background of Medical Science [C Finch] - BlackHealthNet

Objects from the Collection of Ancient Egyptian Art at M.C. Carlos Museum/Emory Univ. (US)

Some Magical Amulets & Gems - U of Michigan/HTI

The Papyrology Home Page [JD Muccigrosso]

The Papyrus Page [AC DiPaulo]

The Papyrus Archive, including a Medical Prescription, at Duke Univ. (US)

About the Eber's Papyrus [AC DiPaulo], and another brief note [in Spanish] - Museo Virtual de la Sanidad (ES)

About the Hearst Medical Papyrus and the Literary Tebtunis Papyri - Bancroft Library (US)

The Edwin Smith Papyrus - Egyptian Orthopedic Assoc. (EG)

About the Edwin Smith Sugical Papyrus [RH Wilkins] - via AANS

Papyrology Links - UMich

Brief Note on the Discovery of Raised Bread - ARIGA

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