Welcome to the HCARC FAQ Page.
    Q. What is a Ham.
    A. A Ham is many things. Go here for more details. Arrl

    Q. How long has Amateur Radio been around.
    A. Since 1912 when congress passed the first laws regulating radio transmissions.

    Q. What types of License are their.
    A. Technician, General, and Extra Class.

    Q. Do I need any special equipment.
    A. No, just about any type of receiver will do or whatever fits your budget.

    Q. Where do I go for testing.
    A. Depends where your at, but again you can go here. Exams

    Q. Is There any test done locally.
    A. No, these test are conducted monthly at Muncie, Indiana given a call on 146.730Mhz RPT to find out the exact date.

    Q. How much will testing cost.
    A. This is fairly cheap $14.00.

    Q. What do I need to bring.
    A. Yourself of course, just kidding a couple pieces of ID and a sharp pencil.

    Q. What do I do if I pass.
    A. Wait until the FCC sends you your license, or check here too see when it was issued. FCC site

    Q. Now that I have my license, what's next.
    A. This depends on a couple of things. 1. What license class your in. Tech, General, or Extra. 2. the previous will determine what frequency you can transmit on. 3. If you don't know the freq's for the classes go here. BandPlan

    Good luck on your new adventure.

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