Buzzards Bay Triathlon
September 20th, 2009

Waking up early has its advantages when you are such a beautiful location.
This is the view from Demarest Lloyd State Park parking area of the sunrise.

The first order of business to get all of the athletes checked in
and their racer ID numbers assigned. 

Here is a view of the Finish Line inflatable gate.  All of the
route is clearly marked with colored fencing so the athletes
can navigate easily and safely to the transition areas.

Once athletes are checked in, they position their bicycles
in their assigned location for the transition from swimmer
to bicyclist.

Even though the swim course is well marked with buoys and
plenty of staff are in the water in canoes and kayaks to assist, the
racers can't miss this large inflatable gate to keep them on
the course to the bicycle transition area.

The HAMCOW was set up to not be in the way of any
of the race activities.  We were also fortunate to have
electricity provided from the rest room building nearby.
Today we debuted the new HAMCOW UHF repeater.
The repeater was using the Comet Tri-bander at the top
of the main tower.  The Ham operators were stationed
throughout the course at all of the main intersections.

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