Grapevine Volume 10 Issue 1 -- June 1953

Calling All Hams

A letter in last August's Grapevine, describing the writer as an "AA Ham" and giving his government call letter, brought amateur radio operator "Lew" in Seaford, Delaware many new AA friends who enjoy the same hobby.

The letter, which gave his address�Box 312, Seaford, Del.�has resulted in a mountain of correspondence, too. "I sure have gotten a kick," writes Lew, "out of the letters I have received from all over the country and Canada. The Grapevine sure gets around. I am doing some long distance Twelfth Step work.".

Following up Lew's nice experience, we're glad to publish another "AA Ham's" signal and address: Operator "Frank," Amateur Radio W80JR, Sigs 594, McComb, Ohio. His address: Box 557, Findlay, Ohio. (Not being "hams" ourselves, we've probably garbled this, but no doubt the "amateur experts" can untangle it.)

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