Grapevine January 1961 -- Vol. 17 No. 8


It has been a while since I have sent any reports on our progress from the Gom Bay Group here on Taiwan but the group has dwindled to just myself and I am beating the bushes for new talent. I don't look upon myself as a loner. The reason for this is that I was a loner in the truer meaning of rejection, my evasion of reality, my immaturity, nobody understanding me or my troubles. All alone, that is, until I found through this program that I need never to be alone again, unless I choose to turn from that source which gives me strength and comfort--and that is God as I understand Him.

Another added insurance for maintaining AA as far as my case here is concerned is the priceless message I receive by way of tape recordings. To me there is no real substitute for a good wholesome AA meeting, but these tapes have been a lifesaver so far as I am concerned. I manage to get steam off my chest by sending tapes out, and right now I am a little resentful for their not being returned as fast as I think they should be. I have to remind myself that procrastination begets the same.

You know, having a hobby or hobbies is a big help too in working this program. Your story about our amateur radio activities out here paid off in establishing my first contact with an AA ham. I was in the shack one evening when this call from K8EWK comes up and the operator here gets on it and contact is established. Chuck, in Columbus, Ohio, asks if by chance is the fellow there who had a little article published in a magazine called the Grapevine. I was so shook up at first that I could hardly talk and Chuck was the same way. Well, we had a very fine meeting over the air.

If any other AA ham would like to join in on our schedule, we work single sideband around the time of 1330 GMT (8:30 AM EST) every Tuesday and Saturday, conditions permitting. We (BV1USC) will be around 14.307 megacycles. Chuck is usually around 14.280 megacycles; his call is K8EWK. My 73s (best regards) and 75s (may God bless you and yours) to each and every one who shares our fellowship, as well as to those who still suffer.

M/Sgt. P. F. T.

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