All my vhf activity started in 2001,so it's quite new for me.
Being an engrained HF-er, some friends persuaded me to give it a try. So we set up a simple 2wl array and when I got down from the tower and intended to see how the swr was, an ES stroke in at once. So worked 5x UA6's more than 1500 km each. Good beginning.

     Meteor-scattering is the highest excitement in radio-hamming, so I try to make myself free for all main showers. I like ms-ssb the best. As I live in quite a dwelled place, the local qrm along these activities are very high. Thus on wsjt we can tx only on 1st period here.
     As the member of the HA7P contest team we are working portable from jn97kw during contests.

My locator is JN97OM.

It's a kind of poor achievement yet here is a map with the grids (245) I worked :
(any sked from blank loc is appreciated)


pse e-mail for a sked if ur loc is blank here