144MHz Amplifier -   8877 (W6PO)                                                                                    GW4RWR





The 3CX1500A7 is a nice valve to play with. Some more talented individuals use tetrodes, but triodes are surely the way forward for the majority, provided that you have adequate drive - about 60W.

The W6PO design was straightforward to get going, the tank resonating at 130MHz before adjustment of the anode lines. I had more trouble with the cathode circuitry, and couldn’t use the original design.

Control circuitry, bias and filament supplies are placed in a separate unit. The intention was to be able to power a second amplifier on HF, but that project has not happened. I've not had an HF contact in three years. Now I have a 3CPX1500A7 in the VHF amp, so the original valve is spare. The HF project could happen, once all the other ideas are taken care of!


I treated myself to a new Bird 43 power meter and 1000C element for the final tests. Once it became apparent that there was sufficient RF to end-stop the Bird 43, I had to buy a 2500C element. I have paid more for the power meter and its sampling elements than I have for the amplifier! Be aware, once you have a Bird 43, you’re in danger of collecting more and more sampling elements for it..

FT-225RD, 25W in gave 600W out.
SD1416, 70W in gave 2.2kW out.