FM900 Base Station for FM91 units.
OFF - with FM91 High Band installed.
Bought at Newport Radio Rally October 23rd 2001.
Dumfries and Galloway Police Fire Philips FM900 VHF UHF
TRANSPORTABLE Suitcase Repeater System
Said to have cost £8500 to kit out in the suitcase as seen, by the Home or
Scottish Office radio engineers of about 1988.
It consists of:
1 off UHF FM91 with Internal UHF to UHF Talkthrough via
the duplexer on 452 MHz - 466 MHz
1 off FM92 99 channel VHF Set 25watts.
1 off MR900 Repeater interface box which allows VHF To
UHF Talkthrough
12 volt operation and was possibly used at the
Lockerbie Air Crash 1989.
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