News and information about Amateur Radio from Scotland
Information about Amateur Radio in Scotland, Scottish radio amateurs and hams

Dedicated to telling the world about
Amateur Radio in Scotland
and Scottish Radio Amateurs

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23 OCTOBER 2005
Open Day and Rally

Contact Jim, GM7LUN,
01896 850 245,
[email protected]


Saturday 5th and
Saturday 12th November
Foundation Licence Course

run by
Ayr Amateur Radio Group

Cost £40

for further details
contact John / MM1JAS
telephone 01292 443580


30th November 2005
Ayr Amateur Radio Group

Aspects of Antarctica
Mike Gloistein GM0HCQ


What GM-related events are you planning?
Let us know and we'll tell the world.

Propagation Resources

50/144 Aurora
Auroral Status Log
144MHz e's
144MHz e-skip status (Europe) Log

when all else fails - mateur radio

Hurricane Relief
news and information

Visiting GM ?

If you are visiting Scotland anytime, why not let us know in advance and we'll try to spread the word.

June 2005

Brief report and information about this Amateur Radio operation from Rockall


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