me looking atmospheric

Me, Munro's and I

I wanted to write about my experience as a lesser mortal on the hills. There are so many books written by world famous walkers and climbers which you should read, but most tend to gloss over the bits where you really could have been warned that 'such and such a descent will rip your thighs from you hips and turn your knees into aching balls of fire', or 'this ascent will have you gasping for breath and screaming "water" every two minutes'. These are the bits we ordinary mortals should get to read. Not to put us off, but just to give us an inkling of what to expect.

I am by no means or definition an expert when it comes to Munro's and hill walking, I only stepped over the 3000ft mark in 1996, but ever since I was a teenager, I have had a deep and unbridled passion for the hills and mountains. I walk and climb because I love it, and thats it. I will walk or climb anything, it doesn't have to be over the magical 3000ft mark..I am trying to do between one and nine Munro's a fortnight, more if I can, but its not a race to do them all as soon as I can and I am just as happy stomping over the local hills! I don't need to tell you that the mountains can be dangerous - please take care and follow all the rules.

Anyway, here we are..........below are a few of the walks and climbs I have done from short ambles over small hills to long treks into the mountains.... Its quite short at the moment because I have to scan/find photos and dredge my brain for details for the others but I hope you enjoy them as I did! Future walks/treks/climbs will be added as I do them.

The Lairig Ghru

Beinn a Bhuird

Morven - Deeside

Cairngorm - straight up.

Ben Rinnes - Morayshire

Ben Macdhui from Linn of Dee

Ben Wyvis - Ross and Cromarty

Cairngorm and Cairn Lochan via Fiaciall Ridge

Cairn Toul and The Devils Point from Corrour Bothy

Bennachie - Mither Tap to The Black Hill (Aberdeenshire)

Lochnagar (Cac Carn Beag), The Stuic and Carn a' Choire Boidheach

Creag Leach, Glas Maol, Cairn of Claise, Tom Buidhe, Tolmount and Carn an Tuirc

Some good books to read before you go.
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