Durante el paso de la Estación Rusa MIR del día 15 de agosto de 1999 a las 13.00 hrs. UTC, tuvimos la oportunidad de realizar nuevamente el contacto con Jean-Pierre FX0STB, operando como indicativo R0MIR. Este contacto fue grabado en Video por XE1ZVO y el audio del mismo está a continuación. Presiona sobre la imagen de la MIR para escuchar el audio.


Transcripción del comunicado entre las estaciones participantes.

XE1ZVO:  Romeo Cero MIR, Ex-Ray echo one Zulu, Victor, Oscar...

R0MIR: OK, you just give your two last letters of your call sign and i'm sure make contact to do, wait a while and listen to the frequency.

XE1TTC: Romeo Cero MIR, Ex-Ray echo one Tango, Tango, Charlie.

XE1YJS: Ex-Ray echo one Yankee, Juliet, Sierra Mexico City.

R0MIR: Uhhh... please you listen to the frequency, radio "0" MIR is not speaking to the microphone, is also listen the radio, so if you want to be contacted, listen to me now, and do exactly what i say, you give the two last letters of your call sign, if I understand your letters then I call you back and we start conversation. If not to wait a while, you listen to the frequency, not to interrupt the contact. QRZ now.

XE1ZVO: Victor Oscar.

R0MIR: Victor Oscar, the MIR space station is with you.

XE1ZVO: Ex-Ray echo one, Zulu Victor Oscar... Bon Jour Jean-Pierre.

R0MIR: Bon Jour... Cómo está?

XE1ZVO: OK, Jean Pierre thanks a lot, we are here two more stations, Tango Charlie and Julliet Sierra, QSL?

R0MIR: Ok, Julliet Sierra and the other one is Whiskey Charlie?

XE1ZVO: Tango Charlie.

R0MIR: Tango Charlie, thanks a lot for voice of you been contacted, did you get my picture on SSTV?

XE1ZVO: Uhhh... voice contact with Tango Charlie and Julliet Sierra, please.

R0MIR: OK, voice contact, thanks a lot Julliet Sierra, Radio "0" MIR.

XE1YJS: Thank you very much, Jean-Pierre, good afternoon, we received two pictures in SSTV, my entire callsign is Ex-Ray echo one, Yankee, Julliet, Sierra. Here is Tango, Tango, Charlie and Ex-Ray Echo one, Yankee, Foxtrot, Julliet.... thanks for this project.

R0MIR: OK, fifty nine to you..

XE1YJS: Ok, thank you very much, Jean-Pierre......

En este momento, la cinta de video de terminó lamentablemente, pero se pudo captar gran parte del contacto. Espero lo disfruten tanto como nosotros.