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Finding TNOS - N1BEE BBS

This is a way to get TNOS for the Internet-challenged! While there are several ways to get TNOS on the Internet, the N1BEE is a good non-Internet source for TNOS and many other Amateur Radio related programs.

To get TNOS from the N1BEE BBS, here is the info:

 Fidonet 1:323/107
 Telephone (401)944-8498
 14400 bps V.32bis - 16800 bps HST - 21600 bps V.32terbo - 28800 bps V.FC/V.34
 Sysop: Mike Bilow

TNOS/DOS can be found in the TCP-TNOS file area, and TNOS/Unix in the TCP-UNIX area.


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