Club Net: Thursdays 8.30 pm 145.375 MHz +/-

The AGM is on Friday 14th April at 8 pm in the club hut. There will be a bring and buy sale. Donations gratefully received, else 10% to club funds.
Get thinking! Get nominating!
Enclosed is your nomination slip for the election of club officers at the Annual General Meeting. It is time to consider your committee for the forthcoming year. Remember that you must be a paid-up member to be eligible to vote, and you should check that the nominee is willing to stand before submitting your nomination.
Offices comprise Chairman, Secretary and Treasurer, and there are places for four serving members. If you fancy having a direct say in the running of the club, why not see about getting yourself nominated? Meetings are normally monthly, and involvement is not necessarily onerous.
I hope you feel the present committee has served you adequately, if not well.

The more observant amongst you will have noticed an addition to the newsletter headings above.
Thanks to Alan G4ZFQ's initiative we now have a website. It is Alan's website, but on it we have our last two newsletters and details of the club including photos and a map. Links to this site are being developed, so that visitors to the island or other interested parties might find us. We are not that easy to find, of course, especially on a winter's night!
Hopefully our mainland associate members will be able to save on postage by checking the site on a monthly basis for news.
Thanks again to Alan. Watch that space!

Contest Result
Readers of Radcom will already know the outcome of the SSB Field Day Contest, but for others here it is ......
A disappointing 14th position out of 18 teams.
G3SKY/P was put together in great haste, you may recall, and was a first attempt under such circumstances. However the station worked well, it was supported well-enough to keep the station running for the 24 hour period, and well .... we thought we did quite well!...? Our score was 63504 points, but the team that came 8th scored nearly double this figure, and the winning team in this restricted section scored a staggering 342,500 points!
I suppose we have to remember that we have little expertise in contests on this scale, and that we did have some fun. However, I really don't know what we could do next year that might help us improve our position. Suggestions would be welcomed ......

Adieu Brian
We're sorry that Brian M1DBM has moved abroad and that we shall not be seeing so much of him.
We hope he will be happy, and will stay in touch.

March Newsletter