Page last updated: 07/08/2014

Changes to script Logic.tcl

As superuser whilst logged in as pi@raspberrypi
From command line in the following directory /usr/share/svxlink/events.d then useing the following command

  sudo nano Logic.tcl amend the existing script as per the listing below...


Note in the listing below, the blue highlighted text indicates what is to be amended to the existing Logic.tcl script...

#                                            #
# Generic Logic event handlers #
#                                            #

# This is the namespace in which all functions and variables below will exist.
namespace eval Logic {

# A variable used to store a timestamp for the last identification.
variable prev_ident 0;

# A constant that indicates the minimum time in seconds to wait between two
# identifications. Manual and long identifications is not affected.
variable min_time_between_ident 120;

# Short and long identification intervals. They are setup from config
# variables below.
variable short_ident_interval 0;
variable long_ident_interval 0;

# The ident_only_after_tx variable indicates if identification is only to
# occur after the node has transmitted. The variable is setup below from the
# configuration variable with the same name.
# The need_ident variable indicates if identification is needed.
variable ident_only_after_tx 0;
variable ident_only_after_tx 0;
variable need_ident 0;

# A list of functions that should be called once every whole minute
variable timer_tick_subscribers [list];

# Contains the ID of the last receiver that indicated squelch activity
variable sql_rx_id 0;

# Executed when the SvxLink software is started
proc startup {} {
#playMsg "Core" "online"

# Executed when a specified module could not be found
# module_id - The numeric ID of the module
proc no_such_module {module_id} {
playMsg "Core" "no_such_module";
playNumber $module_id;

# Executed when a manual identification is initiated with the * DTMF code
proc manual_identification {} {
global mycall;
proc manual_identification {} {
global mycall;
global report_ctcss;
global active_module;
global loaded_modules;
variable CFG_TYPE;
variable prev_ident;

set epoch [clock seconds];
set hour [clock format $epoch -format "%k"];
regexp {([1-5]?\d)$} [clock format $epoch -format "%M"] -> minute;
set prev_ident $epoch;

playMsg "Core" "online";
spellWord $mycall;
if {$CFG_TYPE == "Repeater"} {
playMsg "Core" "repeater";
playSilence 250;
playMsg "Core" "the_time_is";
playTime $hour $minute;
playSilence 250;
if {$report_ctcss > 0} {
playMsg "Core" "pl_is";
playNumber $report_ctcss;
playMsg "Core" "hz";
playSilence 300;
if {$active_module != ""} {
playMsg "Core" "active_module";
playMsg $active_module "name";
playSilence 250;
set func "::";
append func $active_module "::status_report";
if {"[info procs $func]" ne ""} {
} else {
} else {
foreach module [split $loaded_modules " "] {
set func "::";
append func $module "::status_report";
if {"[info procs $func]" ne ""} {
playMsg "Default" "press_0_for_help"
playSilence 250;

# Executed when a short identification should be sent
# hour - The hour on which this identification occur
# minute - The hour on which this identification occur
proc send_short_ident {{hour -1} {minute -1}} {
global mycall;
variable CFG_TYPE;

CW::setAmplitude 100
CW::setWpm 12
CW::setPitch 800
CW::play $mycall

# spellWord $mycall;
# if {$CFG_TYPE == "Repeater"} {
# playMsg "Core" "repeater";
# }
playSilence 500;

# Executed when a long identification (e.g. hourly) should be sent
# hour - The hour on which this identification occur
# minute - The hour on which this identification occur
proc send_long_ident {hour minute} {
global mycall;
global loaded_modules;
global active_module;
variable CFG_TYPE;

spellWord $mycall;
if {$CFG_TYPE == "Repeater"} {
playMsg "Core" "repeater";
playSilence 500;

playMsg "Core" "the_time_is";
playSilence 100;
playTime $hour $minute;
playSilence 500;

# Call the "status_report" function in all modules if no module is active
if {$active_module == ""} {
foreach module [split $loaded_modules " "] {
set func "::";
append func $module "::status_report";
if {"[info procs $func]" ne ""} {

playSilence 500;

# Executed when a macro syntax error occurs (configuration error).
proc macro_syntax_error {} {
playMsg "Core" "operation_failed";

# Executed when the specified module in a macro command is not found
# (configuration error).
proc macro_module_not_found {} {
playMsg "Core" "operation_failed";

# Executed when the activation of the module specified in the macro command
# failed.
proc macro_module_activation_failed {} {
playMsg "Core" "operation_failed";

# Executed when a macro command is executed that requires a module to
# be activated but another module is already active.
proc macro_another_active_module {} {
global active_module;

playMsg "Core" "operation_failed";
playMsg "Core" "active_module";
playMsg $active_module "name";


# Executed when an unknown DTMF command is entered
# cmd - The command string
proc unknown_command {cmd} {
spellWord $cmd;
playMsg "Core" "unknown_command";

# Executed when an entered DTMF command failed
# cmd - The command string
proc command_failed {cmd} {
spellWord $cmd;
playMsg "Core" "operation_failed";

# Executed when a link to another logic core is activated.
# name - The name of the link
proc activating_link {name} {
if {[string length $name] > 0} {
playMsg "Core" "activating_link_to";
spellWord $name;

# Executed when a link to another logic core is deactivated.
# name - The name of the link
# Executed when a link to another logic core is deactivated.
# name - The name of the link
proc deactivating_link {name} {
if {[string length $name] > 0} {
playMsg "Core" "deactivating_link_to";
spellWord $name;

# Executed when trying to deactivate a link to another logic core but the
# link is not currently active.
# name - The name of the link
proc link_not_active {name} {
if {[string length $name] > 0} {
playMsg "Core" "link_not_active_to";
spellWord $name;

# Executed when trying to activate a link to another logic core but the
# link is already active.
# name - The name of the link
proc link_already_active {name} {
if {[string length $name] > 0} {
playMsg "Core" "link_already_active_to";
spellWord $name;

# Executed each time the transmitter is turned on or off
# is_on - Set to 1 if the transmitter is on or 0 if it's off
proc transmit {is_on} {
#puts "Turning the transmitter $is_on";
variable prev_ident;
variable need_ident;
if {$is_on && ([clock seconds] - $prev_ident > 5)} {
set need_ident 1;

# Executed each time the squelch is opened or closed
# rx_id - The ID of the RX that the squelch opened/closed on
# is_open - Set to 1 if the squelch is open or 0 if it's closed
proc squelch_open {rx_id is_open} {
variable sql_rx_id;
#puts "The squelch is $is_open on RX $rx_id";
set sql_rx_id $rx_id;

# Executed when a DTMF digit has been received
# digit - The detected DTMF digit
# duration - The duration, in milliseconds, of the digit
# Return 1 to hide the digit from further processing in SvxLink or
# return 0 to make SvxLink continue processing as normal.
proc dtmf_digit_received {digit duration} {
#puts "DTMF digit \"$digit\" detected with duration $duration ms";
return 0;
#puts "DTMF digit \"$digit\" detected with duration $duration ms";
return 0;

# Executed when a DTMF command has been received
# cmd - The command
# Return 1 to hide the command from further processing is SvxLink or
# return 0 to make SvxLink continue processing as normal.
# This function can be used to implement your own custom commands or to disable
# DTMF commands that you do not want users to execute.
proc dtmf_cmd_received {cmd} {
#global active_module

# Example: Ignore all commands starting with 3 in the EchoLink module
#if {$active_module == "EchoLink"} {
# if {[string index $cmd 0] == "3"} {
# puts "Ignoring random connect command for module EchoLink: $cmd"
# return 1
# }

# Handle the "force core command" mode where a command is forced to be
# executed by the core command processor instead of by an active module.
# The "force core command" mode is entered by prefixing a command by a star.
#if {$active_module != "" && [string index $cmd 0] != "*"} {
# return 0
#if {[string index $cmd 0] == "*"} {
# set cmd [string range $cmd 1 end]

# Example: Custom command executed when DTMF 99 is received
#if {$cmd == "99"} {
# puts "Executing external command"
#if {$cmd == "99"} {
# puts "Executing external command"
# playMsg "Core" "online"
# exec ls &
# return 1

return 0

# Executed once every whole minute. Don't put any code here directly
# Create a new function and add it to the timer tick subscriber list
# by using the function addTimerTickSubscriber.
proc every_minute {} {
variable timer_tick_subscribers;
#puts [clock format [clock seconds] -format "%Y-%m-%d %H:%M:%S"];
foreach subscriber $timer_tick_subscribers {

# Use this function to add a function to the list of functions that
# should be executed once every whole minute. This is not an event
# function but rather a management function.
proc addTimerTickSubscriber {func} {
variable timer_tick_subscribers;
lappend timer_tick_subscribers $func;

# Should be executed once every whole minute to check if it is time to
# Should be executed once every whole minute to check if it is time to
# identify. Not exactly an event function. This function handle the
# identification logic and call the send_short_ident or send_long_ident
# functions when it is time to identify.
proc checkPeriodicIdentify {} {
variable prev_ident;
variable short_ident_interval;
variable long_ident_interval;
variable min_time_between_ident;
variable ident_only_after_tx;
variable need_ident;
global logic_name;

if {$short_ident_interval == 0} {

set now [clock seconds];
set hour [clock format $now -format "%k"];
regexp {([1-5]?\d)$} [clock format $now -format "%M"] -> minute;

set short_ident_now \
[expr {($hour * 60 + $minute) % $short_ident_interval == 0}];
set long_ident_now 0;
if {$long_ident_interval != 0} {
set long_ident_now \
[expr {($hour * 60 + $minute) % $long_ident_interval == 0}];

if {$long_ident_now} {
puts "$logic_name: Sending long identification...";
send_long_ident $hour $minute;
set prev_ident $now;
set need_ident 0;
} else {
if {$now - $prev_ident < $min_time_between_ident} {
} else {
if {$now - $prev_ident < $min_time_between_ident} {
if {$ident_only_after_tx && !$need_ident} {

if {$short_ident_now} {
puts "$logic_name: Sending short identification...";
send_short_ident $hour $minute;
set prev_ident $now;
set need_ident 0;

# Executed when the QSO recorder is being activated
proc activating_qso_recorder {} {
playMsg "Core" "activating";
playMsg "Core" "qso_recorder";

# Executed when the QSO recorder is being deactivated
proc deactivating_qso_recorder {} {
playMsg "Core" "deactivating";
playMsg "Core" "qso_recorder";

# Executed when trying to deactivate the QSO recorder even though it's
# Executed when trying to deactivate the QSO recorder even though it's
# not active
proc qso_recorder_not_active {} {
playMsg "Core" "qso_recorder";
playMsg "Core" "not_active";

# Executed when trying to activate the QSO recorder even though it's
# already active
proc qso_recorder_already_active {} {
playMsg "Core" "qso_recorder";
playMsg "Core" "already_active";

# Executed when the timeout kicks in to activate the QSO recorder
proc qso_recorder_timeout_activate {} {
playMsg "Core" "timeout"
playMsg "Core" "activating";
playMsg "Core" "qso_recorder";

# Executed when the timeout kicks in to deactivate the QSO recorder
proc qso_recorder_timeout_deactivate {} {
playMsg "Core" "timeout"
playMsg "Core" "deactivating";
playMsg "Core" "qso_recorder";
playMsg "Core" "qso_recorder";

# Executed when the user is requesting a language change
proc set_language {lang_code} {
global logic_name;
puts "$logic_name: Setting language $lang_code (NOT IMPLEMENTED)";


# Executed when the user requests a list of available languages
proc list_languages {} {
global logic_name;
puts "$logic_name: Available languages: (NOT IMPLEMENTED)";


# Executed when the node is being brought online or offline
proc logic_online {online} {
global mycall
variable CFG_TYPE

if {$online} {
playMsg "Core" "online";
spellWord $mycall;
if {$CFG_TYPE == "Repeater"} {
playMsg "Core" "repeater";

# Main program

if [info exists CFG_SHORT_IDENT_INTERVAL] {
set short_ident_interval $CFG_SHORT_IDENT_INTERVAL;

if [info exists CFG_LONG_IDENT_INTERVAL] {
set long_ident_interval $CFG_LONG_IDENT_INTERVAL;
if {$short_ident_interval == 0} {
set short_ident_interval $long_ident_interval;

if [info exists CFG_IDENT_ONLY_AFTER_TX] {
set ident_only_after_tx $CFG_IDENT_ONLY_AFTER_TX;

# end of namespace

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