Page last updated: 08/08/2021

Migmate 100

    Having recently bought a SIP MIGMATE 100, and after several hours of trying to MIG weld (well it certainly felt like hours) came to the conclusion I aught to stick to radio and electronics, and give up the welding altogether. It was looking as though it would be much simpler to ask my father to weld the odd bits I needed to get done.

    That might have been the end to my MIG welding, but that shortly after my failed attempts I was over at fathers house. Watching him MIG weld, green with envy, whilst recanting the story of my failed attempts at MIG welding. Then I find his MIG torch thrust into my hand, " Come on then, have a go with mine. MIG welding is quite similar to gas welding, without some of the distortion problems". Damn me, I can MIG weld after all...

    Now we come back to the MIGMATE, or should I say my MIGMATE and the problems I found:


    After a bit of research on the net, and a copy of the original manual kindly sent to me by SIP, I found the original design to be a little bit lacking. Although I suspect it may well have worked quite satisfactorily when originally manufactured, the ravages of 20 years of abuse, that and being stored in the back of someone's damp and dusty garage whilst not in use, have taken there toll.

    The following points need to be taken into account:


    And now onto the fix. I have made considerable alterations to the original with regards to both control and wire feed electronics. The modifications I have implemented on my MIGMATE are summarized below:


 AUX PSU and PWM Generator.htm


 Control Relays & Auxiliary Supply Transformer.htm