Page last updated: 21/10/2014


Fetchmail is an open source software utility for POSIX-compliant operating systems which is used to retrieve e-mail from a remote POP3, IMAP, ETRN or ODMR mail server to the user's local system. It was developed from the popclient program, written by Carl Harris.


As superuser whilst logged in as pi@raspberrypi
Download and install fetchmail
From command line in the directory /home/pi then use the following command

  sudo apt-get install fetchmail
Logout as superuser pi@raspberrypi and log back in as svxlink@raspberrypi
Create the script .fetchmailrc
From command line in the directory /home/svxlink then using the following command

  sudo nano .fetchmailrc copy the script below and save...


poll imap.gmail.com
protocol IMAP
user "[email protected]" is svxlink
password "*********"
folder 'INBOX'
# fetchlimit 1
# keep
mda "/usr/bin/procmail"



See also fetchmail manpage