UKW Tools 0.3.5 =============== To build UKW Tools you need to have installed wxGTK of at least version 2.4.1. You can use a wxWidgets version for another platform, for example wxMSW for Windows, but all my development has been on Linux using GTK as a base. If you are interested in building and using UKW Tools on Windows then please read the README.MinGW file after reading the standard documents. Once wxGTK has been installed, to build UKW Tools do: $ cd src $ make If all is fine then you should end up with an executable named "ukwtools" at the end of the compilation process. If your compiler complains about min and max missing then go into the file Makefile and edit the lines which deal with defining NEED_MINMAX. Once you've changed that then try make again. After a succesful compilation, log on as the super user and do: # make install This will move the executable to /usr/bin and create the /usr/share/ukwtools/globe, /usr/share/ukwtools/gtopo30 and /usr/share/ukwtools/srtm directories where the Globe, GTOPO30 and SRTM datasets should be put. In the directory meta is a Makefile to install a suitable .desktop file and icons for both KDE and Gnome. My work has all been done on SuSE 8.2 so the paths may be incorrect for (say) Red Hat, but they are a start. If someone can produce some better icons I would very much appeciate it. To run UKW Tools you need to have the appropriate Globe, GTOPO30 or SRTM files which contain the elevation data. You need either the Globe or GTOPO30 data, not both. They are very similar, although the Globe data is newer and is probably more accurate. The Globe data can be found at, this is the 1.0 data which UKW Tools can use. Each file downloaded should be uncompressed and placed into /usr/share/ukwtools/globe. The GTOPO30 data can be obtained from and the file for most of Europe is w020n90.tar.gz. Unpack this file into /usr/share/ukwtools/gtopo30. The SRTM data can be obtained from and the names of the files reflect the latitude and longitude of the lower left corner. Copy the required files (still as .zip files) into /usr/share/ukwtools/srtm. The program can also use uncompressed SRTM data which may be more efficient but will take more disk space, the choice is yours. If you have any town data that will probably lives in the usr/share/ukwtools /directory, but this, like the paths to the Globe, GTOPO30 and SRTM data can be changed within UKW Tools. The program should now be ready for running. It is started by typing: $ ukwtools Or if you have used the files in the meta directory, by clicking on the UKW Tools entry with the Ham Radio section of the Internet menu option. Read the README file for more detailed instructions for using UKW Tools.