Frequencies monitored in France during October 2023

*Note* a lot of these are digital transmissions - You need the appropriate software to decode them - see bottom of the page
This page will be updated from time to time so check back

3.413 Mhz Shannon,Ireland
5.540 Mhz Military one,GB
5.505 Mhz Shannon, Ireland
5.550 Mhz Military one,GB
6.604 Mhz Gander, Canada
8.957 Mhz Shannon, Ireland
10.051 Mhz Military one, GB
11.253 Mhz Military one, GB
13.264 Mhz Shannon, Ireland

6.606.8 Mhz unindent cw stn

518 KHZ Various European stns
490 KHZ Various European stns

8.416.5 Mhz
12.579.0 Mhz
16.806.5 Mhz

Weather forecasts - voice
6.501 Mhz
8.764 Mhz
13.089 Mhz
17.314 MHZ

4.610 Mhz
8.040 Mhz
11.086.5 Mhz
3.855 Mhz
7.880 Mhz
13.882.5 Mhz
9.108.1  Mhz Boston uscg
12.750.0 Mhz Boston uscg

Kydo fax news for Pacific fleet
17.971 Mhz


8.414.5 Mhz
12.577.0 Mhz
16.804.5 Mhz
8.291.0 Mhz SSB on Request/Distress etc

4.583 Mhz Offenbach Germany
7.646.0 Mhz Offenbach Germany
10.100.8 Mhz Offenbach Germany
11.039.0 Mhz Offenbach Germany
14.467.3 Mhz Offenbach Germany

14.074 Mhz Wsjtx Transmissions

H.F Acars

6.712 Mhz Iceland
8.942 Mhz Shannon
8.977 Mhz Iceland
11.348 Mhz Shannon
17.928 Mhz Canaries
21.995 Mhz Canaries

VHF Acars
131.550 Mhz Primary Channel worldwide
131.525 Mhz European secondary
131.725 Mhz Primary channel in Europe
136.900 Mhz European secondary
136.925 Mhz ARINC European Channel
136.750 Mhz New European frequency
131.850 Mhz New European frequency

VDL Mode 2
136.725 136.775 136.875 136.975 136.825 136.750 136.650 136.700 Mhz

Air trafic control
126.258 Mhz
127.383 Mhz
127.825 Mhz
130.225 Mhz
132.500 Mhz Brest - very active
133.068 Mhz
133.083 Mhz
135.825 Mhz
134.440  Mhz London


1090 Mhz


FLDIGI ( Freeware ) *

WSJTX ( Freeware )

Acarsdeco2 ( Freeware )

PCHFDL - works for a few minutes with out registration

Sorcerer ( Freeware )

Frisnit navtext decoder ( Freeware ) 

PCHFDL - works for a few minutes with out registration

DSC from COAA (Not Freeware )

Seatty ( not freeware )

Rivet (Freeware )

Vdl2dec ( Freeware )
