Military Wireless in the Midlands Museum Virtual Museum site

The U.S. of A. Section with Canadian section below

New arrival, BC-669. More later as we delve into the set.

Hallicrafter receivers

The Hallicrafters here, S-27C above the S-36A. Then the Skyrider above a S-27 badged as a S-36.

The Skychampion next to the ARR-7 search receiver.

PRC-74 & GRC-9

LEFT: US made PRC-74, 15W ssb/cw, 2 to 18MHz.
RIGHT: The GRC-9 and 100W amplifier set.


LEFT: A very nice addition, the BC223AX transmitter. I'm looking forward to trying this out soon.

RIGHT: Recent addition, TBX-2 US Marines set, used on beach landing and the like, very nice little set, easy to operate.

AVR-20 AND AVT-111

Addition to the US section, the RCA AVR-20 receiver, aircraft use, 4 valve. Just acquired, the matching transmitter, AVT111, 4 valve, hf, AM


Bendix 3801 Aircraft set & AN/URC-101

bendixrxtx urc101

51-J3 and 51-J4 AND AR88

The 51J3 and 51J4 receivers, very nice sets indeed.
51j3 51j4


Right: The AR-88, this is the D version, there is also the LF version.


The CIA's PRC64A xtal controlled hf rx/tx, with aerial reels etc.


The BC-654A US military hf set and pictured in use in the back of a jeep.
bc654 654jeep


PRR-9 receiver, with new battery holder, and PRT-4A transmitter (on left).



National FB-7 receiver.The FB-7 receiver is a seven-tube superhet receiver designed by the National Company in 1933. It was a stripped-down version of the AGS receiver that was too expensive for the average amateur operator2. The FB-7 was designed primarily for the experienced operator and had exceptional sensitivity, selectivity, stability and other characteristics to contend with the crowded C.W and phone bands1. The circuit employed two stages of high gain to ensure ample sensitivity and selectivity.There were three models. The FB-7, the FB-7X, and the FB-XA. The correct psu is similar to the HRO dog kennel, this one has a psu built into a spare case.


The National NC-100 receiver, picture left as received, right and below as it looks now. Replaced the ift cans, the mains tranny was u/s so replaced with one from CR100 rx. Re-valved and re-capped. Now set is actually NC-100X as xtal filter also fitted.


LEFT: This is the National 1-10 VHF HRO set, 30 -300 Mhz with plug in coils (inside) super regen set, working fine.
hro-110 110restore

Another 1-10 arrived recently but in need of a bit of love. Before and after pictures.


The National NC-2-40S is a nice unit, but differs from the NC shown in Ostermans book, it has a square meter but the round center tuning dial. Anyone know its history ?


The good old HRO receiver, many a shortwave listeners first set. Used throughout the war, and long after. Many variations made but all had the same unique dial and detachable coil pack. Here an HRO and the US Navy RBJ sets
hro rbj-rack

Another RBJ receiver.

SCR-522 AND BC-191

LEFT: A pic of the SCR522 VHF tx/rx as used in WWII fighters, Spit, Hurri, etc. 4 channel xtal controlled, replaced the early hf sets used there.
scr522 bc191

RIGHT: The BIG US BC-191 transmitter...........

APR-4 and APQ-2

The APR-4 Search receiver and APQ-2 Jamming transmitter

Here is the APR-4 chassis with an APR-1 tuning head fitted.
CARPET3RX apr4addon apr4missing
Need help, can anyone tell me what the extra little chassis/valve is on this set (left pic) and there's something missing, in yellow circle, probably a cap? (right pic), connects to i.f.t. in the corner.

The APQ-2 Jammer. Fantastic construction for that era.
apq2b apq2c apq2d


This is a DZ-2 model, and employs a sophisticated goniometer crossed loop design by RCA. This loop was rotated manually by a knob at the bottom of the loop assembly, limiting its placement within the aircraft to a position near the navigator or radio operator. The frequency coverage of this set is a remarkable 15kHz to 1,750kHz in six bands (15-32.5, 32.5-70, 100-200, 200-400, 400-800, and 800-1750kHz.)


ARB with a ZB-3 homing receiver snapped to its top


6 Line exchange
The BC-652 receiver, hf set, 12 or 24 volt types. Now a 6 line US telephone exchange, compared to the British 10 line unit its somewhat big, but then, it is American... hi.

RBZ receiver

The RBZ was a portable miniature valve-based receiver, introduced in 1943 by the Emerson Radio and Phonograph Corporation in News York (USA) for the US Navy. The receiver was used during Naval raids – for example during the D-Day landings – but also by resistance groups for the reception of BBC broadcasts. The device is powered by a battery pack and uses the helmet as its antenna. The initial model had a frequency range of 2 - 5.8 MHz, but the unit was later modified for an extended frequency range of 5 - 13 MHz AM. The extended units were dropped over occupied European territory during WWII and were subsequently used by resistance groups. (Crypto Museum)

BC-148 AND BC-470

BC-148. This is one of the earliest mil sets here. Dated 1931 its a most unusual set. Three valve rx, sinlge valve tx, and the aerial was a loop of about 4 ft in diameter. I am in need of an actual aerial unit for this set if anyone has one in their attic.
1941 advert showing BC-148
BC-470. This is a Direction Finding set, a large loop aerial afixes to the top and can be rotated by using the large handle atop the set. I am looking for info on this set, a circuit or other details.


The SCR-178 is another early US radio, receiver, transmitter, modulator and battery box in a wooden carry case. . I have the set but had to make a suitable case, still not finished, needs a few metal bits on it. Whip antenna mount is similar to GRC-9 type, which I'm using here until I can find the right one.

RA-1 and TA-12

The Bendix RA1 aircraft set. Very nice receiver to use. Used with the TA12 transmitter.
RA1-B rx
TA-12 transmitter


The US version of the British 18 Set, the Wireless Set No 48. Man carried, low power. The Canadian version was known as the 58 set.
Shown against the WS-68 (the low frequency version of the WS-18).
48 v 68
WS 48


The TBY-8 Portable radio (BC- 611 on top for size comparison). Used by the USMC and Navajo Code Talkers during WW2. It is a late 1930's design for the U.S. Navy and at the time was reportedly better than earlier Army gear of the same, or earlier vintage, namely the SCR-194/195. The TBY morphed up to the TBY-8 series, incorporating many incremental improvements to improve water resistance, a stronger antenna etc. Operating over a frequency range of 28 to 80 MC with about a half-watt output, it provided short range CW and AM voice signals.



A US Navy set, the TCS transmitter, shown here in use at this location. Nice set, under modulated but a few slight mods soon cures that.
TCS with its AC Mains PSU.


6 to 9Mhz Command receivers modified in the UK by Americans and used for 28-41 Mhz Standard Beam Approach (SBA), designated Type R.1598 with an Air Ministry stores number on the side. The museum has 3 sets, one with the R1598 number hand written where the id plate went. The other 2 have had the plate stamped with "MOD C.B.A." on them.
sba1 sba2 sba3
bc357a bc357b bc357c
For reception of the two SBA Markers (on 38 MHz), modified Radio Receivers BC-357 were used, which should have a stamp 'MOD C.B.A.' or if used in the RAF, 'Type R.1599'. I have an example of the RAF modded set and 4 of the BC-357 variations.

4 to 9 Mhz covered by the Command set transmitters
A few more Command sets !
Arc-3 VHF aircraft set, complete.
arc3set arc3set2
arc3setrx arc3settx

Interesting ARC-12 unit, holds the R19 and T363 VHF units with controls on the front. Believed to have been used in helicopters.
arc12a arc12b
arc12e arc12c

The ARR-2 UHF Homing Receiver,Aircraft Radio Receiving Equipment *AN/ARR-2 , AN/ARR-2A and AN/ARR-2AX may be used for navigation or communication. The receiver can be set to any one of six predetermined channels by operation of a remote controlled Channel Selector mechanism. Frequency coverage: 234-258 MHz.
arr2a arr2b
arr2c arr2d


Two US sets now, tuners, VHF, used in aircraft, in front of
a general coverage hf set. The ZB range of tuners.
zb_rx gf11
2 similar looking sets, the top one, black, is the GF11 transmitter, aircraft use, hf, plug in coil pack, needs pairing with the RU-19 receiver. The bottom one, alum, is the BC-AS-230, part of the SCR-AR-183 and needs the BC-229 receiver. If you have either rx available, please get in touch.

Thanks to Mike I now have a nice example of the RU-19, slight mod to the control socket but this can be revered.

R-2A ARR3 Sonobuoy receiver

The receiver operated within the frequency range of 62.9 to 71.7 MHz, specifically designed to capture signals from sonobuoys deployed in the ocean.

r2-arr3 r2-arr3-b

BC-222 AND TS-184

BC-222 vhf set, man carried, beach heads etc. TS-184 test set, complete in transit case.

BC-609 AND ARR-7

The BC-609 test set, vhf, valved type absorption meter.
After surviving a dropping by good old Parcelforce and two weeks of restoration following we have the ARR-7 receiver, a very early scanner. The tuning can be motorised to sweep between two limits, searching the band for unknown transmissions. Used by USAAF to search for enemy signals.


uf1a uf1b
UF-1 Ultra-High Shortwave Transceiver, three valve transceiver built 1942 by Jefferson-Travis of the USA. The radio could be operated with three batteries carried internally or with a vibrator power supply, fitted in place of the batteries and powered from an external 12v supply.The tuning range is 53.5 to 76 MHz. 3 valves: 1 x 3Q5-GT and 2 x 1G6-GT/G. Battery operated the set uses 4 batteries: 2 x 45v, 1.5V and 6V. Operating off the vibrator pack the set uses: 108 - 120V; 1.5V; 6 V. The heaters Voltage/current per valve is 1.4V at 0.1A each while the power consumption is quoted as 300mA for heaters and 40mA HT current on receive rising to 65mA on transmit. When operating off the 12v vibrator pack, Power Supply Number 2009A, the set consumes around 1.2A on receive and 1.6A on transmit.

ASB-4 AND BC-611

Early radar receiver, around 400 Mhz or so, a recent donation to the collection.
asb4 bc611
RIGHT: The often quoted "first ever walkie talkie" the BC-611 HF portable set.

Recent find in collection, been under other stuff for ages. The BC-611 Alignment and Test unit.
bc611-test1 bc611-test2 bc611-tert3
The chassis of the set is removed from case, coils and cystals fitted and the chassis inserted into the square metal tube, attached to test set and aligned as required.

SP-600 AND BC-620

The SP-600 rx in its US Army colours. Interesting set, though it lacks origonality as every component has been changed in this example.
sp600 bc620
RIGHT: The US BC-620 set, the mobile 10 Mtr set, batteries carried in a similar sized box underneath the unit. Jeep mounted or could be carried into the field for forward OP use.

BC-603 AND BC-684

LEFT: The SCR combo, BC-603 (right) and BC-684 (left), there were two ranges for this station, and this is one unit from each, the actual companion sets are near identical.
scr beacon
RIGHT: A Beacon set, used to guide in Para troops and drops.

R5032A AND RME-69

LEFT: The US made version of the British R1132 vhf control tower receiver.
r5032a rme69
RIGHT: The RME-69 hf receiver and preselector, DB-20.

RT-524 AND I-129B

LEFT: The RT-524 VHF transceiver, fitted inside the Hummer for instance, used in Nam.
rt524 wavemtr
RIGHT: Simple Wavemeter, just tuned circuits, I-129 B apparently.


The AN/CRC-7 SAR VHF transceiver, 140 MHZ, AM, 50mW output, entered service 43, still used in Nam. When power was applied amazingly the set still worked fine.
ctc7 rt159
The RT-159 SAR set, replaced the CRC-7, tx and rx on 121.5 or 242 MHz, saw action in Korea and Vietnam.

BC-1147A receiver


BC-1147A US Signal Corps receiver, 1.5 to 30MHz. Had the usual 'ham' mods, meter fitted, added tube inside, no idea what it does, rf gain fitted (why?) etc. Now fixed and working quite well even on a short bit of wire.

bc1147b bc1147c


Just how many BC-221's are there out there ?. Here's 4.

A Nems Clarke 1302A receiver and convertors, 50 to 900 MHz coverage, AM/FM. Used by NASA to track Russian satellites and such.


Canada's replacement for the WS19, the WS29. Internal view and psu unit.
ws29a ws29b

RCAF AT1 transmitter

The Marconi built AT-1 aircraft transmitter, AT-1. This is the 12v version, the AT-7 was a 24v version. I am in need of the matching receiver, the AR-2, so, do get in touch.
rcaf-AT1 at1-int


A rather odd WS58, plated as Canadian Signals Experiental Establishment. It has odd connectors for mic/phones and has a built-in calibrator.WS-58 designation. No extenal switching, can only be operated stationary.

WS-58 Mk I, same box shape, no calibrator but with external switching.

WS-58 Mk I* now is rounded case with external switching facility.

WS-58 MkI* supplied to Danish forces in 1948.

Close up of the id plate on the original set.
ws58a ws58b
Close up of the calibrator part, knob first then the internal crystal and switch.
ws58d ws58c
The shock mountings, fitted on the side in this set.


Canadian Marconi Co, CP34 hf manpack, 2 to 18Mhz, AM/USB/LSB. 20w PEP.
cp34a cp34b

CPRC-26 and WS-9

LEFT: The Canadian CPRC-26 VHF transciever, later day version of the WS88 basically, very nice construction inside though.

RIGHT: The WS-9 receiver section. Forerunner to the WS-52.

Send an e-mail to: Ben Nock, G4BXD
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