My Interest's

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My Amateur Radio interests include Dxing on HF  mainly on CW these days, however I still do some SSB Phone, and  RTTY.  and also some Rag Chewing. Being the Sysop of Dx Cluster GB7DXS which is in the shack, It doesn't allow me to use VHF/UHF, because of its R.F. Links. However more of my users are using the Internet to access, so this may allow some limited VHF/UHF operation in the future.

I am on the A.R.R.L D.X.C.C. Honor Roll, and Hold a 5 Band D.X.C.C, with Endorsements for 12m and 17m. With a few more to go on 30m, and quite a few more to go on 160m. I have 12 CQ Zones to go for the 5 band Worked All Zones Award, this is a really difficult award, and sorts out the Men from the Boy's.

I have started collecting Collins &, Drake American, Eddystone & K.W. English Radio's. I guess there is just something about Valve ( Tube ) Radios, They have a different smell, or maybe it's because it takes me back to my youth. The surprising thing is, these Old Rigs still perform very well on the Bands.

Another one of my interests is running my 1966 MGB GT , and 1978 MGB roadster English Sports Cars. Which are fairly affordable Classic Cars. driving an open top Sports Car, with the wind in your hair, down an English Lane is still great fun. but the GT with it's Hardtop, is a lot warmer in winter.

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This is Keith driving the MGB GT
on the MG owners club 1998 South Downs Run
Click on picture to enlarge

My other MGB


Ansty cricket club  ( with some views of the village )
G3GIQ's Homepage ( Lots of Collins Radio Pictures )
Crawley amateur radio club  (This is my local radio club)
Chiltern DX club "CDXC" (This is Britain's premier DX club, I am a founder member)
M.G. Owners Club (For MG enthusiasts/events/spare parts)


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West Sussex
United Kingdom ( U.K.)