G3VGR SCHLUCHTENSTEIG      Todtmoos - Wehr      

As I had arranged to stay in Hinterzarten after completing the Schluchtensteig, this presented restrictions in travel connections from Wehr, requiring me to finish the trail before 15:30 at the latest. To ensure I would not be late, I left the hotel at 6:15 AM and stopped at the local baker's shop at 6:30 for breakfast. The sky was clear and the sun was shining, so I was looking forward to the last day on the trail. I left Todtmoos through the neat gardens of the Kurpark and made my way out of town up to the village of Schwartzenbach. The pastoral scene here was compensation for what I missed yesterday. The road continued past some farms as I made my way down to Au. On the previous evening, I had taken a bus ride to Wehr and noticed the main road ran alongside the river Wehra through the narrow gorge, so it was obvious todays trail would be at a higher altitude. Leaving Au, the trail went steeply up into the forest and continued along a forest road.

After another 3 miles, as I was starting to get bored with this road, the trail suddenly took a sharp left turn onto a very narrow path. This path was under a canopy of trees with bright green foliage everywhere. It was like a scene from a fairytale. I was almost expecting to see Bambi or other woodland cartoon creatures any moment. Underneath was a carpet of wet leaves, so the ground was soft and a little slippery. As well as being narrow, there was an almost vertical drop at the right side of the trail, which wouldn't make this route too enjoyable for anyone who suffers from vertigo. However, I found it totally enchanting. At various spots, there were lookout points with stunning views down to the road and river in the gorge. The trail followed a stream downhill until it reached the river at the WehraBrücke.

The day had now become hot and sunny, so it was good that I started early today. I crossed the river and main road and started a very steep ascent on the other side on another narrow trail. The vegetation wasn't as lush on this side of the road and the path was drier. The trail wound along the mountainside for quite a distance. There were dead trees obstructing the path in places which made harder going than on the other side of the road. Eventually, I reached a forestry road and had my first glimpse of Wehr, about 3 miles away. The road ended at a reservoir dam and I followed a footpath alongside the river Wehra, passing by football pitches, tennis courts and some large gardens. The path also passed next to a mini-golf place which had a large sign welcoming Schluchtensteig Hikers. A game of crazy golf wasn't high on my agenda for the day and as their facilities didn't include a bar, I carried on along the footpath instead. After a mile, the footpath ended and I went up to street level. 20 yards further at 13:10, I reached the Altes Schloss, the end of the Schluchtensteig.

I didn't stay long in Wehr as I didn't want to get to Hinterzarten too late. Anyhow, I had already explored the town on the previous evening's bus trip and found little of interest there. From Wehr Bahnhof, a railway station with no railway track, I caught the bus to Wehr-Brennet, which does have a railway track. From there, I caught a train to Basel Bad, then one of the excellent ICE trains to Freiburg. After changing to a regional train, I arrived at the Hotel Imbery in Hinterzarten around 3PM

Unexpected diversion in Todtmoos


road to Todtmoos-Au

Along the Wehratalstrasse

Fairytale forest

Along the Wehratalstrasse

View of Wehratal

Following the stream down to Wehratalbrücke


Rastbank at Felsenhütte viewpoint

Along the Stalisgrabenweg

Last climb on the trail

First view of Wehr

River Wehra through Wehr

Wehr - Altes Schloss

End of the trail

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