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This is the ideal SO2R contest. I won the Restricted section in 1999 using two dipoles just 10 metres up and 2 metres apart. The rigs were an IC737 and an IC726. Here is the rather complex CFG file set up. I took about a month to get it as I like it. It uses some of the more fancy TRLog features and works well. I won, right! Complexity is the price you pay for the ultimate in configurability. ;File set up for RSGB 21/28 CW Contest ;Station Set-Up MY CALL = G3CWI MY CONTINENT = EU MY POSTAL CODE = SK10 3JA MY NAME = RIC MY GRID = IO93BF MY IOTA = EU-05 ;Initial code speed CODE SPEED = 27 ;Zero turns off the side-tone CW TONE = 900 PADDLE MONITOR TONE = 900 ;Contest set-up SIMULATOR ENABLE = FALSE ;select the nearest to start with CONTEST = REGION ONE FIELD DAY ;this displays the name on the screen CONTEST NAME = RSGB 21/28MHz CW QSO POINT METHOD = THREE POINTS PER QSO EXCHANGE RECEIVED = RST QSO NUMBER DX MULTIPLIER = ARRL DXCC WARC BAND ENABLE = FALSE ;Set startup band BAND = 15 ;this message is displayed when triggered by score (can have up to 10 of these) TOTAL SCORE MESSAGE = 8820 Into last years top fifteen! TOTAL SCORE MESSAGE = 14520 Into last years top ten! TOTAL SCORE MESSAGE = 20736 Fifth last year! TOTAL SCORE MESSAGE = 29058 Fourth last year! TOTAL SCORE MESSAGE = 30732 Third last year! TOTAL SCORE MESSAGE = 44091 Second last year! TOTAL SCORE MESSAGE = 45010 Ahead of last years winner!!! TOTAL SCORE MESSAGE = 50000 Cracked the 50K barrier!!! TOTAL SCORE MESSAGE = 97290 Beats G3VMW in the open section last year!!! TOTAL SCORE MESSAGE = 100000 All systems are go! ;CW ONLY MODE = CW MULTIPLE MODES = NO ;Computer set-up POSSIBLE CALL WINDOW DUPE COLOR = YELLOW POSSIBLE CALL WINDOW BACKGROUND = RED DISPLAY MODE = COLOR VGA DISPLAY ENABLE = TRUE ;correction from BST to GMT HOUR OFFSET = -1 ;Computer port set-up ;Set the paddle PADDLE PORT = 1 PADDLE PTT HOLD COUNT = 5 ;Set the foot-switch FOOT SWITCH PORT = 1 FOOT SWITCH MODE = QSO NORMAL ;Set the keying port KEYER RADIO ONE OUTPUT PORT = SERIAL 1 KEYER RADIO TWO OUTPUT PORT = PARALLEL 1 ;Switch the TX using the software (set TX to FULL BREAK IN) PTT ENABLE = FALSE PTT TURN ON DELAY = 10 ;Radio One Set-up ;Allows ctl-R radio switching SINGLE RADIO MODE = FALSE ;Switches on all the fancy bits! TWO RADIO MODE = TRUE RADIO ONE NAME = IC737 RADIO ONE TYPE = IC737 RADIO ONE RECEIVER ADDRESS = 60 RADIO ONE CONTROL PORT = SERIAL 1 RADIO ONE BAUD RATE = 4800 ;Radio Two Set-up RADIO TWO NAME = IC735 RADIO TWO TYPE = IC735 RADIO TWO RECEIVER ADDRESS = 04 ;RADIO TWO CONTROL PORT = SERIAL 2 RADIO TWO BAUD RATE =4800 ;Band map set-up BAND MAP ENABLE = TRUE ;this options allows band-maps facilites for non-controlled radios ASK FOR FREQUENCIES = FALSE ;map all bands or the band you are actually on? BAND MAP ALL BANDS = FALSE ;Serial Number Set-up ;Set serial to always three digits LEADING ZEROS = 3 ;now shorten those first zeros! LEADING ZERO CHARACTER = T SHORT INTEGERS = TRUE SHORT 0 = T SHORT 9 = N SHORT 1 = 1 SHORT 2 = 2 ;CQ set-up ;Message Memories Just a note here - the cwmonitoron and cwmonitoroff commands used below are very handy to reduce stress levels in contests. In this contest, I turned the radio sidetones off and just used the sidetone from TRLog. Using the commands, this makes the stations run silently when using the alternating CQ feature. It works very well indeed! CQ EXCHANGE = cwmonitoron^5nn^#SK CQ MEMORY F1 = cwmonitoroffTEST^g3cwi^g3cwi^TEST CQ MEMORY F2 = cwmonitoronCQ TEST \ CQ TEST \^K CQ MEMORY F3 = cwmonitoron@ 5nn^#SK CQ MEMORY F5 = cwmonitoron\ CQ MEMORY F7 = cwmonitoronSRI^QSO^B4^TU^\^TEST CQ MEMORY F8 = cwmonitoronCALL?? CQ MEMORY F9 = cwmonitoronNR?? QSO BEFORE MESSAGE = cwmonitoron^SRI^QSO^B4^TU^\^TEST QSL MESSAGE = cwmonitorofftu^\^TEST QUICK QSL MESSAGE= tu CALL OK NOW MESSAGE = cwmonitoron}^R^% CQ EXCHANGE NAME KNOWN = cwmonitoron@ ~ % UR 5nn^#SK TU CQ MEMORY AltF1 = cwmonitoroffTest^g3cwi^g3cwi^Test CQ MEMORY AltF2 = cwmonitoroffcq^g3cwi^test CQ MEMORY AltF3 = cwmonitoroffcq^g3cwi^test CQ MEMORY ControlF1 = cwmonitorontest^g3cwi^g3cwi^test CQ MENU = F1/2-CQ F3-Exchange F4-73 F5-G3CWI F6-DE G3CWI F7-Dupe F8-Call? F9-Nr? F10-Kbd ; starts auto sending exchange once 4 letters typed - speeds things for slow typists! ;AUTO SEND CHARACTER COUNT = 4 ;AUTO CALL TERMINATE = TRUE ;S&P set-up ;Switches to S&P on qsy by radio AUTO S&P ENABLE = TRUE ;sends DE before own call in S&P mode for clarity DE ENABLE = TRUE ;allows repeat of serial if callsign field is blank in S&P mode AUTO QSO NUMBER DECREMENT = TRUE ;sets what is displayed in the program window EX MENU = F1-G3CWI F2-Ex F3-QRL? F4-? F5-TU F8-Call? F9-NR? F10-Kbd ;S&P Exchange Messages S&P EXCHANGE = cwmonitoronr^~^5nn^#SK REPEAT S&P EXCHANGE = cwmonitoron5nn^#SK EX MEMORY F3 = cwmonitoronQRL? EX MEMORY F4 = cwmonitoron? EX MEMORY F5 = cwmonitoronTU EX MEMORY F8 = cwmonitoronPSE^UR^CALL? EX MEMORY F9 = cwmonitoronPSE^UR^NR? ;when the callsign is changed during the qso, 4 letter calls sent completely in final exchange SEND COMPLETE FOUR LETTER CALL = TRUE ;Rate screen set-up HOUR DISPLAY = LAST SIXTY MINUTES RATE DISPLAY = QSOS ;Great Circle Distances DISTANCE MODE = MILES POSSIBLE CALL MODE = NAMES CQ MEMORY F2 = CQ TEST \ CQ TEST \^K CQ MEMORY F1 = cwmonitoroffTEST^g3cwi^g3cwi You can download the config file here. You can download a special RSGB CTY.DAT file here that includes ZL, VE, W, ZS and VK call areas as countries. Beware that you don't overwrite your normal CTY.DAT file with this one by mistake. Let me know if you use them! A note from Doc N7DR indicates that I have turned OFF the PTT facility but have defined a delay. That is because I experimented with it but did not use it in the end. Doc also points out that some of the comands are set to the defaults. This was done on purpose by me as I wanted to have them listed as an aide memoire in case I wanted to change them from the default settings. Thanks for your comments Doc. PS I intend posting an article here soon on using SO2R. |