G0TLU - Station details


IARU Locator: IO90ut

NGR: TQ 175034

Lat/Long: 50° 49' 07"N, 0° 19' 58"W

ASL: <5m

WAB Square is TQ10 (with thanks to DL1CC).

The main station transceiver is an Icom IC706 MkIIG, covering all bands from 160m to 70cm (4m receive only). This feeds a Watson dual-band colinear for 2m and 70cm, and for HF, a horizontal wire loop running around the outside perimeter of the roof (supported by the hip irons) and fed with open wire feeder. As I live in an apartment, most operation is at low power levels!

Occasionally, I might hook up my venerable Heathkit HW-8 and try some REAL QRP:- almost 3W on 80m, 2W on 40 & 20, 1W on 15! However, I did make my first-ever HF QSO with this rig (10 October 1993, on 20 metres CW with SM6FPZ) - and was delighted with a 559 report!.

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