Contest: UKEICC 80m Date: 04/01/2017 Mode: SSB Assisted: ASSISTED Power: Low Callsign: M1G Operator: M1G Locator: IO91 Total QSOs: 10 Potential Points: 30 Actual points: 27.00 Points per QSO: 3.00 Longest scoring QSO: 1437.72 km with SM5CSS Highest points QSO: 6.00 points with SM5CSS DUPES _____ No Dupes! NIL ____ No NILs! Busted reports ______________ No busted reports! Busted Calls ____________ No busted calls! Call Date Time Rcvd Dist Dist Mult Pos'ble Actual Comment UTC Loc Km Pts Pts Pts EI2KA 04-01-2017 2020 IO51 555 2 2 4 4.00 DK2BK 04-01-2017 2022 JN49 743 2 1 2 2.00 No log submitted by DK2BK GM0WED 04-01-2017 2029 IO88 790 2 2 4 4.00 G3YBY 04-01-2017 2030 IO91 <500 1 2 2 2.00 GM3WOJ 04-01-2017 2034 IO77 716 2 1 2 2.00 DL2RPS 04-01-2017 2035 JO30 572 2 1 2 2.00 No log submitted by DL2RPS DG5NFF 04-01-2017 2037 JN59 879 2 2 4 4.00 HG17EYOP 04-01-2017 2048 JN87 1374 3 1 3 0.00 Unique call - probably bust of HG17EYOF MM1E 04-01-2017 2056 IO85 465 1 1 1 1.00 SM5CSS 04-01-2017 2059 JO89 1438 3 2 6 6.00