Contest: UKEICC 80m Date: 26/04/2017 Mode: CW Assisted: ASSISTED Power: Low Callsign: OZ1THC Operator: OZ1THC Locator: JO55 Total QSOs: 10 Potential Points: 20 Actual points: 6.00 Points per QSO: 2.00 Longest scoring QSO: 1089.88 km with G8X Highest points QSO: 3.00 points with G8X DUPES _____ No Dupes! NIL ____ PA5WT Busted reports ______________ No busted reports! Busted Calls ____________ G4EDK Call Date Time Rcvd Dist Dist Mult Pos'ble Actual Comment UTC Loc Km Pts Pts Pts DL8UD 26-04-2017 2003 JO43 258 1 1 1 1.00 G6M 26-04-2017 2008 IO94 775 2 1 2 2.00 G3TXF 26-04-2017 2016 IO91 911 2 1 2 2.00 G4RCG 26-04-2017 2019 IO93 808 2 1 2 2.00 M4J 26-04-2017 2022 JO02 735 2 1 2 2.00 G0AAA 26-04-2017 2026 IO91 911 2 1 2 2.00 Busted call by worked station PA5WT 26-04-2017 2032 JO22 516 2 1 2 -4.00 Not in PA5WT log G8X 26-04-2017 2039 IO80 1090 3 1 3 3.00 G4EDK 26-04-2017 2054 JO30 618 2 1 2 -6.00 QSO was with G4EBK F5IN 26-04-2017 2058 JN18 952 2 1 2 2.00 No log submitted by F5IN