The Islands of West Dvina River - History

The idea of West Dvina river islands programm was born by Andy (EW6GB) and (EU6DA) at winter 1998 year. They made a study of native town Disna. Disna has a great historical past and located on the bank of West Dvina river.

At the 4th of April 1998 Andy (EW6GB) and Oleg (EW6CM) made first speciment tour with QRP rig and simple wire antenna to the Is. of Stephan Batory located near Disna. It was fun endeed. Too many stations would like to work their.

The rules of an award was developed later. First dx-pedition under the West Dvina River Islands programm took place at June 5-6 1998. We made 53 QSO only with 5 watts of output power, therefore decided to increase output power to 50-80 watts in the future. By the next trip we had at one's disposal power amplifier with 60 watts of output designed by Oleg.

We got over the difficulties (weather, rig, transport, etc.) by the expeditions and everybody was really happy.
