Thanks for visiting our web site; we hope that we can help you understand APRS and what activity there is in Eastern Virginia.
We formed this group thanks to the members you see listed on the Members page. I had talked to several fellow APRS'ers in the last several months and had received query's about such a group to help those with an interest in APRS in our area. In January of 2000, RATS offered a place at their FrostFest to setup an APRS Demo in the Lobby and also allowed me to do a forum. We had over 35 people present and TJ, Tom, Barbara, Chris and myself talked to a lot of folks about APRS at the Display Tables, which generated a lot of interest in APRS.
At FrostFest, we again received questions about a group to help and I also received Emails following the event thanking us for the display and being able to answer questions and encouraging such a group. So Tom and I began to kick around the idea of a group for such a purpose, I asked Barb, Chris, TJ and Martin their thoughts and they agreed we should try. The rest is as they say HISTORY, a Constitution and By-Laws were drawn up and presented to those at the Founding meeting and with their help a final copy was agreed upon. On February 26, we officially founded Eastern Virginia APRS Group to help those folks in out area get involved in APRS.
We plan on working with Statewide ARES / RACES and NOAA / NWS in our region and also with our APRS friends to our north and south to continue developing the Network. We hope to be able to present programs to local clubs on APRS and displays at Public Events.
Although we are working within the region of I-95 east to the Ocean, we welcome all. We hope to continue building on the work of the original Tidewater APRS'ers at WA4KXV and those working in the Western part of VA.