Detailed Data for...
Frequency :  145.35000Mcs.
Offset :  -
Input :  -
Tone :  186.2Cps.
TSQ :  -
State/Prov :  Kentucky
County :  Letcher
Nearest City :  Whitesburg
Landmark :  Pine Mtn
Lat :  37.1184
Long :  -82.8268
Call :  KK4WH
Use :  OPEN
Op Status :  On-Air
Sponsor :  Letcher County Amateur Radio Club
Affiliate :  EKRN (Eastern Kentucky Repeater Network)
Features :  100', 30 watts, e-power, WX.
EchoLink # :  321424
EchoLink call :  KY4ARC-R
Commands : 
Notes :  Linked to the District 9 linked system which covers ARES District 9 and parts of 8 and 10.
Coverage :  SE Ky.
Coverage Radius :  .
Nets :  Letcher Co. ARES Net :  Sun at 21 : 00. Friendship net - Nightly at 2200hrs
Web Site :
Rpt Email :  [email protected]

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