East Kootenay Amateur Radio Club
Minutes of Monthly Meeting

held on March 11, 1997 in Kimberley

- Meeting called to order by VE7CRJ at 19:47 hrs.

- Call for adoption of previous minutes by VE7KAX and seconded by VE7SKT.

- Don (VE7QYR) and Doug (VE7HSD) have attained 5 WPM!

Reports of Sick or Injured Amateurs:



-The applications for the four licences have arrived.

Old Business:

-Regarding bingo, the club made $4,062.00 from the March 1st! Our next date is to be on March 29th, followed by April 19th and 26th.

-VE7CRJ reports that two more repeaters have been sold. This leaves the club with two to be sold.

-VE7OG reported that Stan (VE7SKT) was the winner of the Mocomm 70 challenge. Stan displayed his winning entry, answering a stiff barrage of questions from the membership regarding it's construction.

-Regarding the upcoming course, the dates are to be the 24th and 25th of May with the location being the multipurpose room at the Cranbrook Health Centre.


VE7SKT put forth a motion, seconded by VE7TED, that the fee for the upcoming course be $120.00, $108.00 for students.

Motion carried


VE7OG put forth a motion, seconded by VE7SKT, that there be a minimum of 10 participants register for the upcoming course, other wise it would be canceled.

Motion carried

-Regarding the discussion surrounding RAC memberships being incorporated into the course fee - VE7CRJ indicated that minutes of the October 1994 meeting showed that a motion had been passed saying that the club would incorporate the fees into subsequent courses. As a result, we will continue with this policy.

-The club has said yes to helping out with the Kootenay Children's Festival.

-The banquet will be on April 26th @ the Alpenrose. There will be a no host bar starting at 18:00hrs. Dinner will start at 19:00hrs for a charge of $15.00 per person (includes tip).

New Business:

-CBC is closing their office in Cranbrook - we have acquired some parts and materials - check with Joe!

-VE7BGO spoke about space - aboard MIR, they experienced a small fire in the oxygen initiating equipment. There were no serious effects. The most active cosmonaut is now back on earth along with a German - amateur traffic has since this change has become rather "quiet". The next shuttle is to lift off for a 16 day flight on April 3rd. It is to dock with MIR.


VE7SKT put forth a motion, seconded by VE7QYR, that the club authorize an expenditure of sufficient funds to upgrade the existing (3) rigs(to be used for CW) to the point of making them operational, with the thought of developing an emergency training CW net.

Motion carried

-Lance (VE7LOC) inquired about the possibility of an advanced "session" - he along with Stan (VE7SKT) and Don (VE7QYR) expressed interest in taking part in such a session. Reg (VE7OG), being the all round great guy that he is, graciously volunteered (while under no duress what so ever) to provide a question and answer / brainstorming session for those who would be interested.

Treasurers RPT

Cash in Bank $2776.70
Shares $42.10
General Fund $2053.92
Rep $895.88
Cash on hand $131.00
Net Worth $2949.80

Motion to adjourn @ 21:16 by VE7LOC, seconded by VE7SKT.