March 13th, 2001  Held at King’s Chapel. 10 members present.


SICK OR INJURED AMATEURS: George, VE7BGO is at home in good spirits and getting better.



MOTION: Adopt the minutes of the previous meeting as read. Moved VE7TED Seconded VE7ERG Carried.


CORRESPONDENCE:  -   Telephone bill

Application for Societies Act

Notice for Kamloops A.R.C. re: hamfest @ Logan Lk

CNIB pamphlet & letter for donations



VE7CRJ      We have been served notice that we cannot use Bingo money for Scholarships.  Selkirk Sr. High has already printed  their graduation book but Baker has not replied to our queries as yet.                


VE7CRJ      The bingo in February went well with good attendance of EKARC members.


VE7NEK     We negotiated with Holmes insurance and the final amount of $865 for our yearly insurance was agreed upon.


VE7ERG     Reported on his search for a potential meeting place for the EKARC, the Tutor House and the Town & Country.  Neither were suitable.  We thank him for his efforts.




VE7CRJ      The delay factor on the Baker repeater will have to wait until spring to be reset.






                             Cash on Hand                 $0024.00

                             Checking Acct.               $1561.10

                             Shares                            $0044.75

                             GIC                                $6000.00

                             Total                               $7629.85


MOTION    The treasurer's report be adopted as read.  Moved VE7NEK, Sec. VE7ERG.  CARRIED




Motion        Moved VE7ERG, Seconded VE7ESW, That the East Kootenay Amateur Radio Club include an amendment to the constitution to include the following clause:


"Upon winding up or dissolution of the Society, the assets which remain after payment of all cost, charges, and expenses which are properly incurred in the winding up shall be distributed to a registered charity or registered charities in British Columbia, as defined in the Income Tax Act (Canada), as may be determined by the members of the Society at the time of winding up or dissolution.  This provision shall be unalterable."


VE7TED     The costs for the safety climbing equipment were as follows;


                   2 harnesses            @ $108.96 each

                   2 Lge belts            @ $44.00   each

                   2 Lanyards            @ $85.75   each

                   2 Straps                @ $7.90     each

                   2  5ft lanyards        @ $46.17   each

                   Total                          $541.56  + 37.91 GST  = $579.47


VE7LOC     VE7ZIP has investigated the annual dinner and found 3 possible sites.


MOTION    Moved VE7SKT, seconded VE7BMW, the Annual dinner be held at the Alpenrose restaurant in Kimberley on Apr. 21st and $50 be allocated for a raffle prize.  CARRIED


VE7SKT     NOTICE of MOTION that the EKARC investigate an I.R.L.P system for Cranbrook.