East Kootenay Amateur Radio Club

Minutes of Monthly Meeting

Minutes of the East Kootenay Amateur Radio Club


Tuesday, March 14, 2000


Held at Kings Chapel, 9 members present: Meeting delayed from 19:30 until 19:45 to fulfill quarum requirements.


Sick or Injured Amateurs: None


MOTION:              VE7ESW seconded by VE7LOC that the minutes of the previous meeting be adopted as read: CARRIED


CORRESPONDENCE:           None




VE7LOC         The course is underway, 8 – 10 people have bought books.


VE7CRJ         The keyboard kit for the IC706 has arrived.


VE7CRJ         The price for our annual supper has been raised to $14 per person.


VE7CRJ         The land use permit for Jubilee mountain repeater site will only be $200-$300.


CALL FOR NOMINATIONS FOR PRESIDENT:     VE7LOC allowed his name to stand for President.  No further nominations heard.  VE7LOC acclaimed president.


CALL FOR NOMINATIONS FOR VICE PRESIDENT:  VE7CRJ allowed his name to stand for Vice-president.  No further nominations heard.  VE7CRJ acclaimed vice-president.




As of March 14th, 2000.                       Cash on hand               $0000.00

                                                Checking Account        $8976.20

                                                Shares Account                        $    44.75

                                                Total                            $9020.95




VE7GJR  The children’s festival is Friday May 12th this year.  They are requesting security support for the night of May 12th as in the past.  MOTION VE7GJR seconded by VE7KAX that we support the Children’s festival by providing security. CARRIED.


VE7CRJ  The E.S.S. (emergency social services) meeting was given a demonstration of packet radio by VE7CRJ.


VE7LOC We have been approached by Stuart Wilson to help out in a heritage display some time in May by showing some heritage boat anchors at the display.