East Kootenay Amateur Radio Club

Minutes of Monthly Meeting


EKARC Meeting Minutes

Tuesday, January 11, 2000                   10 members present, 1 guest


Report of Sick or Injured Amateurs:   None


MOTION:      Minutes of the December meeting adapoted as read. Moved VE7TMG Sec. VE7KAX. CARRIED.




Ø       Hydro Bill

Ø       Bingo Correspondence passed on to Russ.

Ø       Email from Bernie, VE7BVU to be covered in Old Business




VE7SKT                Discussion centred around “will the KIH 2000 be a go”.  Lance VE7LOC and Stan VE7SKT will travel to Creston on Sunday and hear what stage the hamfest planning is at, and make a decision at that time to continue our support for the full hamfest, a scaled down hamfest, or no hamfest at all.


VE7CRJ         Y2K was quiet and we were’nt needed for emergency communications.


VE7CRJ                Bingo will have a non smoking section and a smoking section as of this date, and we will only have to go into the smoking section if we are acting in the capacity of paymaster.


VE7CRJ         Jim Daszell will get the forms for those amateurs interested in joining a PEPARS group..


VE7LOC         Spoke to a meeting of the Rockin in the Rockies car club and found 3 persons interested in taking a BASIC ham radio course.  More on a new course in New Business.


VE7CRJ         Replacing the old MFJ 259 antenna tuner will cost $539 (cdn) for the new MFJ 269 with 440 capabilities.  We should be able to get around $200 for our old one.


MOTION       VE7LOC, sec. VE7KFR We buy an MFJ 269 for $539 and sell our old MFJ 259.  CARRIED.


VE7CRJ         The Icom 706 is very user un-friendly and might fetch us $1000 on the used market.  A new Icom 706 II would cost $1600 and the 706 IIG would cost $2300.  It was pointed out that a keypad kit could be constructed for around $40 that would make the old 706 much  more user friendly.


MOTION       VE7TMG, sec by VE7ESW. “We buy the keypad kit for the 706”.  CARRIED.


VE7SKT         The budget for scholarships for Selkirk and Baker is fixed in our bingo budget and cannot be adjusted for 2 years.  The only way to increase the amount is to take money from general revenue and top it up.  Concensus was that we leave it alone for now.




                                    Cash On Hand             $  00,000.00

                                    CA                   $  10,147.35

                                    Shares              $         42.23

                                    Total                $  10,189.58




VE7TMG       Trevor will be moving way up North, so we will need a new frequency coordinator and vice president.  Everyone wished him will on his move and new promotion.


VE7LOC         Lance believes that there are enough people to form the nucleus of a Basic course. 


MOTION:      VE7LOC, sec. VE7TMG that we sponsor a club course this spring, around April 1 & 2, 2000, for $125 for adults and $90 for students.  CARRIED.


MOTION       VE7LOC, sec. VE7KFR that we authorize spending up to $100 for advertising the spring course.  CARRIED.


MOTION       VE7TMG, sec. VE7LOC that we support the Cranbrook library with a subscription to CQ magazine.  CARRIED.




VE7TMG       Trevor presented an excellent talk and video on tower climbing and safety.  He showed us the latest tower climbing safety equipment and gave us excellent advice on the whole topic.