East Kootenay Amateur Radio Club

Minutes of Monthly Meeting
February 98 

EAST KOOTENAY AMATEUR RADIO CLUB Monthly Meeting FEBRUARY 10TH, 1998 Held at Laurie Junior Secondary, in Cranbrook BC Meeting commenced at 1936 hours with 14 members present. 2 Guests were Mike VE7MLP and his son, and Ben (a student from Baker Sr. Sec).


- Mel, VE7MEL is recovering nicely and is in Calgary for a checkup and VE7ASO Ray is ill.


- VE7TMG moved, VE7KAX seconded the minutes be adopted as read. CARRIED.


- The Children's festival as requested our assistance this year again, the matter will be dealt with in future. - CNIB sent a receipt and thank you for our donation.


- VE7SKT moved, VE7PJ seconded, to "Amend the revised constitution to add a fund raising chairperson to executive officer role". CARRIED. - Motion carried forward from last meeting to rescind our present constitution and bylaws and put in place the distributed constitution and bylaws as amended. CARRIED. - VE7TMG moved, VE7RWD seconded that "The EKARC go ahead with the Mount Severn acquisition and pay the one time $250 land fees". CARRIED.

- VE7PJ moved, VE7TMG seconded, that "the club check with Holmes insurance to see if he can come within $50 of the RAC insurance fee of approximately $800, and if the deductibles are similar, then to go ahead with Holmes, otherwise take the insurance out with the RAC broker". CARRIED.

- VE7SKT moved, VE7TMG seconded, that " the EKARC purchase the following videos from RAC at the cost of $17.50 each"; Emergency Communications, New Modes, Contesting 1, Antennas 1, Space communication." CARRIED.

- VE7CRJ notified the club that the Astron power supply had been purchases.

- VE7TMG reported that special deals from dealers for new> hams was poorly received by the dealers. Fern, VE7GZ reported he would give new hams a special deal on antenas - VE7TMG reported the MCX and the Motorola radios would not be available until June. - VE7CRJ reported the TNC's were now $247 taking into consideration the America dollar. Consensus was that they were now too expensive.


COH. $5621.80 (gen. $2335.70, rep. $3328.20)

SHA. $ 42.10

TOT. $5663.90


- New secretary needed. No volunteers! - Annual supper coming up. VE7TMG volunteered to organize it! - VE7TMG initiated a discussion on emergency communications. He recommended Gord VE7FDT who should be asked to speak to interested members on the subject. Clinton VE7KNL was mentioned as he has a video on APRS and will give talks when requested.

- George VE7BGO gave an update on MIR and informed us on their new method of bulk responses to packet communication.

- Adjourn VE7SKT, sec VE7TMG