East Kootenay Amateur Radio Club
Minutes of Monthly Meeting

held on February 11, 1997 in Cranbrook

- Meeting called to order by VE7CRJ at 19:37 hrs.
- Call for adoption of previous minutes by VE7SKT (like he wouldn't) and seconded by VE7NEK.

Reports of Sick or Injured Amateurs:



-The Kootenay Children's Festival requested club participation (to act as overnight security) in the annual festival. The club's response was a positive one.

-Club Insurance policy from Holmes in Kimberley. The cost is now just over $600.00, this along with a $500.00 deductible VE7NEK is to inquire about receiving a reduction along with whether we should seek an increase in our liability from 1 million to 2 million. Should the recommendation be to increase the liability amount, VE7NEK has permission to purchase this extra coverage should it result in nominal increase.

Old Business:

-Regarding bingo, VE7FA is still seeking a replacement for his position as bingo coordinator. Our next bingo will be on March 1st, followed by dates on March 29th, April 19th and 26th.

-VE7CRJ reports that another repeater has been sold with the chance of another sale being imminent. This would leave the club with four to be sold.

-VE7CRJ asked if anyone was interested in acting as a NET controller. VE7PJ was at this time the only person to say yes.

-VE7OG reported that there were no new entrants in the Mocomm 70 challenge. Reg further indicated that the deadline will be the March meeting.

Treasurers RPT

Cash in Bank $3387.10
Shares $42.10
General Fund $1973.92
Rep $1470.28
Cash on hand $15.00

New Business:

-there is a need for a new bingo licence - this time the licence will be good for two years! There is to be a new pooling formulae for bingo (a formulae/system to equalize the earnings of those groups participating) - as a result, our take home should improve!
-due to the absence of bingos for the club thus far this year, VE7CRJ will continue to utilize the 1996 budget until our first bingo which is fast approaching.

MOTION VE7PJ put forth a motion, seconded by VE7ERG, that the club apply for a new bingo licence. Motion carried

-this years dinner is to be held in Kimberley - April 19th is the tentative date - VE7NEK and VE7SKT are to be the organizers!
-regarding the basic course, VE7OG is to set a date (it may end up on the 24th & 25th of May) and determine details. VE7TED suggested that there once again be a mentoring system. Mike is to check on the availability of the Health Center.
-VE7OG suggested an increase in the course fee - to rise from $80.00 to $100.00....and then things got interesting - there was a "spirited" yet civil discussion regarding whether there should still be a mandatory enrollment in RAC built into the course fee. VE7EDM is to examine prior minutes to establish if there is already a motion which has been passed regarding this issue. This spirited discussion led to the viewing of a RAC video.
-Fern brought up a discussion regarding balloon launching - the idea is to launch a balloon with a radio which is either setup to be a repeator or to send code or voice, and see how far and long it can be worked or tracked!
-VE7CRJ indicated that the Creston Ham Fest has come to an end.

Motion to adjourn @ 21:05 by VE7NEK, seconded by VE7ERG