East Kootenay Amateur Radio Club

Minutes of Monthly Meeting

held on April 13, 1999 in Wycliffe


April 13, 1999

King's Chapel basement, Wycliff Road & Highway 95a

17 members present, meeting commenced @ 1938

Sick or Injured Amateurs:
VE7TED    Injured in skiing accident, recovering satisfactorily.

Motion:   Adopt minutes of the last meeting as read. Moved VE7OG,
          Seconded VE7LOC.  Carried


VE7TMG    Annual General Meeting dinner booked for Inn of the
          South, Price to be determined.

VE7CRJ    We picked up another Bingo last week when another
          organization cancelled.  This is worth about $1500 to
          our Bingo budget.

VE7CRJ    The basic course scheduled for this spring was
          cancelled due to lack of numbers but 4 XYL's have
          expressed an interest in a course with VE7LOC to finish
          in mid May.

VE7OG     The MCX-100's are at VE7CRJ's awaiting the e-proms to
          arrive before they can be converted and reprogrammed.

VE7OG     Reg raised the possibility of the club sponsoring an HF
          award, possibly in conjunction with Fort Steele,
          operating a special op station along with a swap meet
          this spring. 

VE7OG     Reg reported the 2-10 FM repeater project is on-going.

VE7LOC    Phone net to be initiated for our next meeting with
          VE7SKT organizing.


          As of Apr 1, 1999

          Gemini account $3875.08
          Shares         $  42.10
          Total          $3917.31


VE7CRJ    Audit of our books time is here, VE7SKT and VE7KD will
          serve as assistant auditors with VE7NEK

VE7CRJ    The "On Air" magazine subscription that we donated to
          the Kimberley and Cranbrook Libraries have folded.
          Neither library has received magazines in the last
          while so it looks like that's that.  MOTION VE7OG sec
          VE7KD "to give the Kimberley library the necessary
          extra money to purchase a subscription to "CQ VHF"".

VE7CRJ    May 16th is the "JOG & BIKE" benefit and they need
          members to patrol the course. Volunteers will be
          gratefully appreciated.

VE7CRJ    July 5th - 11th is the "ACCORDION CHAMPIONSHIP" who
          needs volunteers to work again this year.  Volunteers
          will be gratefully appreciated.

VE7NEK    No on has contacted us to do the "CHILDREN'S FESTIVAL"
          this year.

VE7CRJ    CNIB is looking for a donation to their HAM fund again.
          MOTION VE7LOC sec VE7RWD we donate $100 to CNIB for
          support for blind hams. PASSED  Some discussion was
          initiated over getting the CNIB to send us a list of
          services they provide to blind hams.

VE7CRJ    Frequency coordination dues of $20 are due again and we
          need to elect a coordinator for our area.  VE7TMG was
          acclaimed our frequency coordinator and consensus was
          reached to send in the $20 along with Trevor.

VE7OG     The MCX-100's sales will net us $3000.  MOTION VE7TMG
          sec VE7LOC, "that we use the moneys generated from the
          sale of the surplus equipment to go towards buying
          building materials for a club house on VE7CRJ's
          property on the basis of an informal agreement with
          CRJ."  PASSED.  VE7PJ & VE7KD abstained.

VE7CWM    The Rockin in the Rockies club show and shine will be
          June 12th this year and they could use volunteers to
          man the roadblocks along Baker St.  More information
          coming in the next meeting.

VE7TMG    Adjourn @ 2100

VE7BGO    Gave us an excellent talk on Ham safety.  He covered
          topics such as the importance of grounding and
          lightning protection.  His talk was especially valuable
          and pertinent as the summer season approaches.