East Kootenay Amateur Radio Club

Minutes of Monthly Meeting


TUESDAY, NOVEMBER 9, 1999.  HELD AT KINGS CHAPEL (basement) Highway 95A, 10 miles North of
Cranbrook BC.



Report of Sick or Injured Amateurs; VE7ERV in good health.


MOTION:   VE7KFR, seconded VE7LOC the minutes of the last meeting

          be adopted as read. CARRIED.


CORRESPONDENCE: C.N.I.B. request for donation.

               C.N.I.B. Silver award for last years donation.




VE7CRJ    The link to Sparwood is up and running.  A list of

          codes for operation is forthcoming.


VE7CRJ    The A.P.R.S. link is spotty and will be tuned in the

          near future so we all will know exactly where we are.


VE7CRJ    The hospital folks still have not gotten back to us

          regarding New Years eve duties. VE7KD attended a

          meeting and reported that the concern is a lack of

          communication between other hospitals in the region and

          we will probably be asked to set up stations to

          communicate between them.


VE7CRJ    Shaw Cable isn't willing to let us use their tower

          without leasing hassles so CRJ will seek the continued

          use of our present site from the new manager.




VE7NEK    reports the balances as of November 8, 1999 as follows:


               Cash on Hand        $0000.00

               Chequing account    $9898.78

               Shares account      $  42.23

               Total               $9941.01




VE7SKT    A letter was received regarding a hamfest to be held at

          Logan Lake BC, on June 23, 24, and 25, 2000.  More

          information can be received by contacting Larry Berkey

          at [email protected] or phoning 1 250 554-7934.


VE7LOC    The Kootenay International Hamfest planning meeting

          will be held at the Pizza Factory in Creston on Nov.

          17th.  VE7LOC & VE7SKT will attend on behalf of the

          club to gather more information.


MOTION    VE7LOC, seconded VE7TED that we donate $100 to the CNIB

          Amateur Radio Program. CARRIED.


VE7KD     Gave us an informative reading on the calling

          "portable" and "mobile" as interpreted by Industry

          Canada.  The bottom line is that there is no

          requirement to call "mobile" and only rigs that do not

          have an internal power supply and integral antenna

          system which are relocated to a location away from the

          licensed address are to be called "portable".  This

          means you shouldn't call "portable" when using a



VE7EDM    The homepage is down.


VE7TED    Questioned whether the in-coming bureau was operating

          with our clubs newest membership list.  This list will

          be sent out forthwith.






Donna Grobell & Judy Becker from the Emergency Social Services

people and Jim _______? from the Cranbrook Emergency Coordination

office,  gave us a very informative and timely talk and video

presentation on their role in time of disaster.  They stressed

several points, among them that many different types of disasters

were possible, ranging from forest fires to floods  (Y2K?).  They

also stressed the importance of having Amateur Radio people and

their equipment available for emergency communications providers

in these situations.  A fine presentation, well received.