Meeting held June. 10th, 2003  at the QTH of Lance (VE7LOC) & Bobbi (VE7ZIP).  10 members present.


SICK OR INJURED AMATEURS:      None. Evelyn XYL of George VE7ERV is in hospital in satisfactory condition.  George is visiting her and unable to attend the meeting.  Motion to send sympathy card to VE7KFR moved by VE7LOC, Seconded by VE7TED. Carried


MINUTES:  The minutes of the previous meeting The minutes as read

MOTION: Adopt the minutes of the previous meeting as read.  Moved VE7TED, Seconded VE7SKT.  CARRIED.


CORRESPONDENCE:       Regular bills and statements and registration from Societies Act, dealt with and forwarded.  Very nice thank-you card received from Children’s Festival Executive.



                                                PEP training session will be delayed to an undetermined date in the future

                                                Received another MSR 2000 repeater from William’s Lake.  Will be a spare for the time being.

                                                Meeting announcement in the Advertiser is incorrect and a letter will be sent to correct the time and location as word of mouth does not seem to get the job done.





Statement                     Cash on hand                   $48.00

                                    Maximizer acct.              $353.31

                                    Shares                             $72.02

                                    I.N.G. Acct.                 $6723.16

                                    Total                            $7196.49


MOTION: Adopt the treasurer’s report as read.  Moved VE7NEK, Seconded VE7HH.  CARRIED.  Credit Union has announced increased service charges VE7NEK will look into best place to have account.




                        5 people from club committed to support Field Day with some others will attend if able.  SKT will phone Kimberley Hams and LOC Cranbrook Hams to try to generate some more interest.



                        Moved by VE7SKT, Seconded by VE7TUF that We participate and set up two stations for Field day. Carried.


                        Parking Volunteers for KIOTAC parking duty VE7LOC, VE7HH, VE7TUF, VE7TED, VE7ESW, VE7PUD, VE7ZIP.  It was noted that the doors will be opening earlier this year so may not be such a rush at 6:30 or such a line up as the doors will be ope 1 ½ hours before the performance starts.


                        There is a new repeater 15 miles south of Coalman on 145.49 down 600 with a 100 hz pl tone.  It covers from Hosmer to Ft Mcleod.  Rumour is that it may be linked into the SARA net and there may be a port open to link it to Sparwood backbone



                   Moved by VE7HH and seconded by VE7PUD that a thank you card be sent to VE7ZIP for all the work setting up and organizing the Bar B Q prior to the meeting.  Carried







                        A Fox hunt generated quite a bit of interest prior to the meeting with a half a dozen hams taking on the task of finding the hidden transmitter with the one tape measure  yagi and offset attenuator that was there.  Some other hams tried with just hand held radios and detuning the antenna to get the direction.  The rain and wet grass did limit the amount of participation as wet feet were the norm for the rest of the event.  A Bar B Q preceded the meeting and a social around the fire pit followed it.  An enjoyable afternoon and evening was had by all.